Benjamin endorses Runyan for council

Remember how I said yesterday that anyone else, besides Cameron Runyan, who wanted to run for the city council seat being vacated by Daniel Rickenmann should probably get started?

It’s looking later than ever today, now that Mayor Steve Benjamin has stood out in the heat in front of City Hall (already sweltering at 10 a.m.) to endorse Mr. Runyan.

Not much to add to that. Steve said the usual things about how he looked forward to having Cameron help him with the things he’s trying to accomplish for Columbia, and Cameron giving back complementary compliments.

One point that stood out that he didn’t make yesterday: He said today that when he ran four years ago, it’s because he didn’t like the direction in which the city was going. Today, he says he’s running because he’s optimistic, and wants to be part of positive change.

That’s about it. There’s video, but it hasn’t processed yet, so I’ll put it up in place of the above photo after lunch.

Did I mention it was hot? Cameron called it “Famously Hot,” which is cool from an ADCO perspective

18 thoughts on “Benjamin endorses Runyan for council

  1. Steven Davis

    Why would anyone in their right mind want to be on Columbia’s city council? Don’t these people have enough headaches in their normal life?

  2. jon

    This guy is the one who ran smear campaign against Daniel, right?

    Sounds like another politico with big aspirations.

    Sorry, Columbia.

  3. Brad

    What interests me is how quickly this happened, how early Steve came out for him. When I see Cameron again, I need to ask: Was Steve’s support a precondition of his declaring his candidacy? Because it followed really quickly.

    Normally, someone whose endorsement counts as much as Steve’s does in these circumstances would hold that resource in reserve awhile, and see who and what emerges.

    These questions should have occurred to me while I had them both at hand, but sorry, they did not. I was in such a hurry to get to the office. I had had one thing after another holding me up all morning — initially, I thought I wouldn’t make it to this at all, then I saw at the last minute that I COULD make it for part of it (you’ll note that my video misses the first 30 seconds or so of what Steve said), so I dropped by. Almost got hit by traffic hustling across the street as the event was starting. Steve saw that happen and smiled ironically and said something I didn’t catch, then started into his speech.

    So I got this, and not much more. I did say hey to Adam Fogle, though…

  4. `Kathryn Fenner

    I absolutely know he smeared Steve Gantt and Daniel Rickenmann– it was published in The State paper that he suggested that Daniel and Steve were gaining personal benefit from the Kenny’s garage project. I wrote a published letter defending them. I mean, really–Steve Gantt?!?!?

    or are you suggesting I can’t trust what I read in the paper?

  5. bud

    Just looking at photos of these guys in those dark blue suits in the 100 degree heat is enough to make me want to pass out. Really, couldn’t they hold this type of event indoors?

  6. Brad
    Here’s Steve Benjamin’s official release about this, which came out today:
    Today I’d like to introduce you to my choice to be the City of Columbia’s next at-large Councilman, Cameron Runyan.
    Whether it’s working to balance budgets and plan for the future or protecting abused and neglected children throughout our region, Cameron has always been a leader.
    His experience and dedication to service is what makes Cameron a unique asset to our community, and with your support, will make him a welcome addition to City Council.
    We’ve accomplished a lot over the past year. But there is so much more to be done. To get it done, I need the support of good folks like Cameron on council.
    We’ve got a bright future ahead of us. I hope that part of that bright future includes Cameron Runyan serving along side me on council.
    So I hope you’ll join me in supporting Cameron Runyan for City Council this April. And I thank you for doing your part to make Columbia great.
    Steve Benjamin
  7. jon

    C’mon…who else would put up those flyers. Hope someone else jumps in the race. However, it will be hard to beat the Quinns.

    To figure out why Steve tossed his weight behind Runyan…

    1. You should look into Steve’s campaign donations
    2. Quinn’s did something to make Steve jump

  8. `Kathryn Fenner

    The flyers could have been a double fake, but Runyan’s actual words calling into question the ethics of Steve Gantt, one of the most capable and ethical employees the city has ever had were below the belt.

  9. Debbie McDaniel

    Brad or Kathryn: I would like to see that article and then talk to Cameron and get his views……….fair enough?


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