I said it just like that

What was your reaction when you heard what that loser Zacarias Moussaoui said upon being put away for life?

Yeah, me, too:

"What a freakin’ idiot!"

No, really. I said "freakin’." Just like that.

13 thoughts on “I said it just like that

  1. Doug

    John Derbyshire of the National Review has an interesting take on Moussaoui in NRO’s The Corner blog… not what I would have expected but something to think about.
    Link here:
    Text here:
    Shame [John Derbyshire]
    Thank God the Moussaoui trial is over. I have never been so embarrassed for my country. The low point of the thing — and a low point for our nation in its accelerating slide to oblivion — was when that U.S. Navy Lieutenenat sniveled and blubbed on the witness stand while Moussaoui jeered at her — quite rightly, in my opinion. I expected Jimmy Carter or Oprah to show up at any minute. An American officer, in uniform, weeping IN THE FACE OF THE ENEMY! She should be court-martialed. Instead, I feel sure she will get promoted. (“If you emote, we must promote.”) The trial transcripts must have been translated into Arabic, Farsi & Pushtu by now, and are being passed around among the terrorists as morale boosters, with much hilarity and Moussaoui-style jeering.
    Judge Brinkema’s closing remarks were typical of the whole sorry performance, and gave Moussaoui yet another opportunity to play the man — the only man in the courtroom. Does anyone, DOES ANYONE, think we’re going to defeat Islamofascism by squirting clouds of this multicultural mush at it? The terrorists sure as hell don’t. Does anyone think the enemy gives a fig for our determination not to “focus on hatred, bigotry, and irrationality” (Judge Brinkema). I wonder if you can win a war without deploying hatred. Homer didn’t think so.
    The New York Post described Judge Brinkema’s closing remarks as “a tongue lashing.” I would say that’s about right. They have suicide bombers — and, any day now, nukes which they will use. We have wet tongues.
    “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, naturally they will favor the strong horse.”—-Osama bin Laden. Yes, they will. We are doomed, doomed.

  2. Phillip

    Derbyshire’s comments (“Moussaoui jeered…quite rightly…” “Moussaoui…the only man in the courtroom”) brilliantly and unintentionally reveal a like-minded attitude shared by some on the right wing and Islamic fundamentalists: an obsession with “manliness” or macho-ness…a uniquely male kind of sexual insecurity that is inflated into an entire worldview.
    The trial was flawed but fine, like most in the US. You’d think Moussaoui had been acquitted for all the hand-wringing going on out there. The system proceeded as it does in our country. For a country that is supposed to be the most powerful on earth, I fail to understand why we care two whits what Moussaoui says or thinks, or Bin-Laden, or any of those nut cases. It’s astonishing to me how every time one of them opens their mouth, we react just as predictably as a marionette at the end of a string.
    I don’t know whether it was Doug saying this or Derbyshire he was quoting, but I kind of agree that “we’re doomed.” But I think so for different reasons.

  3. Doug

    The “we’re doomed” comment was Derbyshire’s.
    I’m not convinced Moussaoui is as important to the terrorists as he thinks he is.
    My sense of doom is triggered more often by
    watching any show on MTV – Date My Mom, My Super Sweet 16, “Real World”. We are raising a nation of self-absorbed slackers and we have noone else to blame but ourselves. The majority of kids today believe they are the center of the universe. MySpace.com, YouTube.com, et al are contributing to the downfall.

  4. Phillip

    I’m with you on that Doug. Of course, I think the kids are just reflecting and amplifying the overall American belief, i.e., that WE are the center of the universe.

  5. Brad Warthen

    Actually, as I recall from testimony in the trial, other terrorists think this guy’s a loser, too. I got the impression they wouldn’t pick him to fly a kite into an outhouse.

  6. Dave

    Brad, you are correct, and the Al Qaeda and their supporting terrorists are laughing their fool heads off as they see we had a judge who was concerned about his childhood and how his father was mean to him. As he sat and laughed in the faces of the US citizens, and moreso the victims of 9-11, we saw the liberal shrinks testify about the psychological scars of his childhood. We have become a nation of effeminate fools, particularly in the legal and medical professions specifically psychology. I will say this, I am against capital punishment, but this creep will long for a piece of rope or a belt to use to hang himself. He doesn’t know sadistic until he gets behind those bars.

    And Phillip – we ARE the big cheese of the planet. Liberals cannot handle that and long for the day when we negotiate with Muslims on an equal basis. That is the day our heads roll. Europe will see that day before we ever do. They are lost.

  7. Phillip

    And right on cue, one of the marionettes…
    Gee, that’s terrible that Al-Qaeda is laughing at us. They had such boundless admiration for our system of democracy and trial by jury before this! Clearly we should take a hard look at our fundamental institutions and think about amending them or tossing them out, because we want Al-Qaeda to admire and respect us, right? Obviously what they think of us matters so much to us. We ARE such an effeminate nation, to allow testimony for the defense such as Dave cited, things that happen in a jury trial. How outrageous!
    And to have free-thinking American citizens listen to all the testimony and then come to a decision on punishment that is the opposite of what our government might ideally have liked, why, of course Al-Qaeda is laughing at us! That kind of thing would NEVER happen in an Islamist state, so they must think we’re ridiculous. We really need to do something about that. Come to think of it, speaking of “effeminate,” they must really laugh at the way we allow women so much power in our society. We’re handing them morale booster after morale booster with every woman who attains high elective office. Maybe we should rethink the 19th Amendment.

  8. Dave

    Phillip – The US military has freed 50 million repressed people in the Iraq and Afghan endeavors. Muslims dont believe in women voting, they are property to be used as needed. Spend some time learning how sick their culture is and be proud that the world’s true superpower has the motivation and guts to do something about it. I know you wouldn’t lose one minute of sleep if the mass graves were still filling up in Iraq. As long as you can get a latte at the airport Starbucks while you globetrot, you’re happy.

  9. Doug

    I guess the U.S. government and culture were pretty sick until August 26, 1920 when American women finally got the right to vote.
    That’s right – your great grandmothers most likely were second class citizens in the eyes of the American government. Or was that different in some way?

  10. bud

    Dave, I’ve got news for you, the mass graves are still filling up in Iraq. See Iraqbodycount.com for the details. Facts really are tough to handle some time.

  11. Herb

    Dave, you are way over the top. You don’t know Muslim culture. The only thing I can figure is that you read only stuff that agrees with what you want to hear. How many Muslims do you actually know? How many younger couples? They are great people to relate to. Far easier than the average, shuttered-up American, in my admittedly biased opinion.
    There is some truth in what you write about Islamic treatment of women, but there is a great deal of error as well. And we in the West live in glass houses anyway, when it comes to throwing rocks.

  12. Dave

    Herb, I am referring to the terrorist Muslims and fundamentalist Muslims, not ALL Muslims. We are fighting side by side with decent Muslims every day. I guess I should be more specific.

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