Watch me on ETV tonight; I’ll wave

Well, it’s time for me to head to the office and do some cramming, because in a couple of hours I’m supposed to be on live TV.

Endorse_023I’ll be on S.C. ETV at 7 p.m. with host Andrew Gobeil and the Republican candidates for state treasurer. That would be — hang on and I’ll get links — Jeff Willis, Rick Quinn, Greg Ryberg and Thomas Ravenel. (And why do I have pictures here of the first three, and not Mt. Ravenel. That’s easy — the first three have been in for their interviews; Mr. Ravenel has not. But here’s a bonus link to his Myspace site; he was listed as one of Andre Bauer’s friends at his site.

We elect the state treasurer in South Carolina, you ask? Yes, we do. I don’t think we should, but we do. We also elect the state comptroller. I could see one or the other of these financial types being elected, as a check on the rest of the executive — but both? I don’t think so. I’m not convinced weEndorse_029 need to elect either.

Yet every four years, if there’s a contested race, I’ve got to act like I understand all that stuff about investing state money, and the state employee retirement system, and our credit rating, etc. You know what’s worse? You have to figure out how to vote on this race, and you’re not even paid to do it. Ya poor saps.

It’s hard enough just remembering the difference between what the treasurer and comptroller general do. One of them looks after the state’s money, and the latter spends it — writes the checks and stuff. I think. Hey, why do you think I need to go to the office and bone up first?

Endorses_149Of course, I could just act all knowledgeable and ask the candidates what the job is about — like I’m testing them. Maybe I’ll do that.

Anyway, if you’ll  watch, I’ll try to remember to wave at the camera.

6 thoughts on “Watch me on ETV tonight; I’ll wave

  1. Dave

    Brad, in the first 11 minutes they put the camera on you 3 times and all 3 times you were drinking water. Is that Vodka?????? haaaaaaaaaaaaa….. But you’re hanging in there well.

  2. Dave

    Willis – Said he was the only “Efficiency Expert” running for office. Seems like a nice guy but that was a Dilbert special.
    Ryberg – Govt. doesnt own the money, people do. Good sound byte.
    Ravenel – Stressing cooperation with governor. good point there
    Quinn – seems most knowledgable of the 4, with Ryberg close second.
    Brad – good questions – keep it up

  3. Dave

    By the time the debate was over, I think all 4 were impressive in different ways. Ryberg and Ravenel were clear about using the position to lower the state government costs, but Quinn and Willis had some good ideas and positions also. This is probably the first debate I ever watched where I came away thinking all candidates were acceptable. My mind isnt made up from this debate, that’s for sure.

    Brad and the other guy – Andrew ? – handled it well but I think another 30 minutes and the candidates may have ended the lovefest and taken harder positions.

  4. Lee

    They all had pretty good answers, but mostly about things outside control of their office.
    The big problem is the bankrupt state retirement system, which they wanted to avoid touching.
    Ryberg has long since overrun term limits. He has spent enough time in office. He’s out.
    Quinn was thrown out of office for, among other things, his big spending. His pet project was a new computer system for the highway department, developed internally and costing 3 times what it would have cost to buy one off the shelf. He’s out.

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