Cleaning my desk I: Clemson list

Trying to clear the decks a bit as we draw close to the end of our endorsement interview marathon (both Mark Sanford and Tommy Moore today), I ran across the several blog-worthy items that had been lying around on my desk. Here’s the first:

Recently, Clemson President James F. Barker spoke to my Rotary, and he told us about "five things you don’t know about Clemson." Well, by the time I got a chance to take notes — about 45 minutes later — I could only remember three. I suppose they were the most interesting three. They were interesting to me, anyway:

  1. It has the largest collection of plant genes in the world. I mean, I knew they were into agriculture, but that’s quite a statistic.
  2. Athletes graduate in a higher percentage than at any other ACC school — a category that includes Duke and UVa.
  3. It runs the largest free public transit system in the world, serving 13,000 in the town of Clemson.

Around here in Gamecock country, those are not the kinds of items you normally hear in a list about Clemson.

65 thoughts on “Cleaning my desk I: Clemson list

  1. Randy Ewart

    The guy who started Hooters was from there too, I believe. Guess Brad would have remembered that if it were one of the three.
    Barker’s blood runs orange and he’s a visionary and impressive leader. Clemson is in great hands and moving on up.
    BTW, Obama in ’08?!?!?

  2. Dave

    Barker is a class act from a world class university. And next year, possibly the best QB in the nation becomes a tiger, the coming of Will Korn. Go tigers!!!!

  3. Dave

    What’s the biggest unplanned evacuation drill in America?
    The start of the 4th quarter at Williams-Bryce.

  4. Lee

    Rotary was better when it was composed only of people who owned their own businesses, and not all these employees.
    The very purpose of Rotary was to promote peace and understanding through an internation association of entrepreneurs.

  5. Capital A

    Dave, button up your overhauls. Your a-s is showing.
    You forgot to mention that on weekends the cultural center for this “world class area” is All Starr Liquors and Wines Inc. You read that right–“incorporated.”
    I’m still trying to figure out how that convoy of tractors got to the Boise bowls. Of course, this is the same crowd who returned (!) tickets for their upcoming matchup up with GT. Dedication on message boards, it seems, but not in the actual, physical world…
    “West bound and down, loaded up and truckin’, those braindead hicks done did what they say can’t be done!”
    Apologies to Mr. Jerry Reed…

  6. Dave

    CAP A – Zip your fly, your Gamecock is showing!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about Chicken Little. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  7. Capital A

    Only backwoods men folk ever notice such a thing, Dave. Are you still getting royalties checks for Deliverance?
    Lee, you’ve been treating the English language rather well lately. Keep THAT up!

  8. Dave

    CAP A – I still get the checks but usually donate them to the Gamecock football program. They need a lot of money to constantly bail out players after they have beaten up their girlfriends, stole computers and stereos from dorms, trashed the locker room, stuff like that. Spurrier cant pay all of that out of his own back pocket now can he? You see, I like Spurrier.

  9. Lee

    Maybe I’ll throw in an intentional typing error, so the illiberals will have something they can criticize, since they cannot debate any issue.

  10. Capital A

    Dave, I’m still waiting on your proposal that we should arm coaches. How much would that cost? It’s the natural progression of your line of thinking, isn’t it?
    This is point where you call on the fading glory of a 25-year-old national championship.

  11. Dave

    CAP A – Make sure you notify me when USCar gets their first national championship. No hurry I am sure. They really should work on bringing their incoming freshman SAT scores up to the level of Clemson. Now there is a project for you. Git er done.

  12. Capital A

    I’ll notify you of that, Dave, whenever Clemson also produces its first Heisman Trophy Winner. We’ll call it synchronized serendipity.
    SAT scores are finally being recognized as the corrupted and horribly flawed measurement of student ability that it always has been. More and more schools are shifting towards GPA as a true measure of ability. I wouldn’t expect you to know that as most of your suggestions for education overhaul have been nonexistent or at least 25 years behind the realm of feasibility.
    Except for that Teachers Should Wield Guns in School position that you championed…
    Now that was a little too forward-thinking as it preceded the actual real-life occurences of any of the following: John Connor’s birth signaling the beginning of our inevitable war against the robots, the Russian Red Dawn invasion, the plot from Invasion USA and/or They Live!.
    If any of those fantasies should drift over into reality, though, you’re our Inez Rumsfeld!

  13. Dave

    CAP A – I can tell that to you the school shootings are a distant, can’t happen here phenomenom. So you ridicule and mock tough effective solutions to prevent this from happening. When it happens in Greenville, Columbia, or wherever in SC, you are one of the libs who will sit around, scratching your head, attending seminars about how we all need to love our children more. If that makes you happy, fine, I would rather stop the punks, mental deviates, death goths, and other miscreants from killing innocent children and teachers NOW, not after it happens.

  14. Randy Ewart

    I can tell that to you the school shootings are a distant, can’t happen here phenomenom. – Dave
    We had a shooting at Lexington and at Eau Claire I believe. Not a madman, but a shooting none the less – back in the 90s or 80s.

  15. Capital A

    Judging by last Saturday’s performance, I don’t think we have to worry about the Heisman Trophy returning “home” to anyone on that team.
    Dave, a gun doesn’t make you “tough” or particularly effective. I am a licensed gun owner and a practicing hand to hand combatant (general karate, judo, haikido) for over twenty years. (I know Lee will probably claim he’s a ninja while Dave is a Texas Ranger at the mention of this.)
    My greatest victories have come through my words and deeds that evidenced my caring and compassion for my fellow man, not through the threat of violence. I’ve taught kids who were on house arrest for GTA and ones that had stabbed their own parents.
    And I did it all barehanded. A few more episodes of Andy Griffith would do you well, but you probably think those lessons only worked for humans in the bygone, “olden” days, right?
    Be less of a Barney, Dave, and more of an Andy. You could solve many problem through common sense instead of fumbling around for your silver bullet.

  16. Dave

    CAP A – If you noticed most of the recent shootings are not student initiated, but mental defectives who are adults. I served in the Army with a great seargent who became a police seargent. He and I used to debate the use of force in policing and arrests. I used to tell him that anyone who runs from a cop should at a minimum be shot in the legs and brought down. Anyone who is defiant to a cop should be shot on sight. Guess what, a year after we left the Army, he was shot dead by a punk who had stolen a car, run, and then turned and shot him in the head. He left 3 little girls and wife behind. Yes, guns do make people tough, and I want tough law enforcement. You need to be more of a Jack Bauer type yourself.

  17. Lee

    Capital A, there is no license to own any firearm in South Carolina, except the federal license for a machinegun.
    There is concealed handgun permit.
    I doubt you have either one, since you don’t know the laws.

  18. Dave

    CAP A – I notice you write in the past tense, ” I have, I did, etc.”. Even ten years ago you could have done what you are talking about, i.e. protect yourself with your bare hands. Today that is utter silliness, when even the grade schoolers are coming to school with razors, let alone guns. 20% of all black men born are not in prison because of chewing gum in class. Get with the modern age, Cap.

  19. Lee

    Have you noticed how many advocates of gun control claim to own guns and/or be kung fu experts who can defeat gangs of armed thugs?
    Just more transparent dishonesty from “liberals”.

  20. Capital A

    Lee, I was referring to a concealed handgun permit. Even any mental midget could have taken my meaning. I’m sorry that excluded you.
    Have you even bothered to so much as take similar classes as I have to become educated on your weapons of choice?
    I’m 32, Lee. I still have a few “fighting years” left in me. As I have learned over the years, though, fighting should be your last option, not the first.
    I am by no means an expert in any martial art. I am a lifelong learner.
    We can’t all be tough guys like you and Dave, but we get along alright.

  21. Lee

    I am an expert enough to recognize a poser.
    The way you talk about having a “gun license” in a state which has never required one, has a phony ring to it. I never met anyone with a concealed weapons permit who supported the existing stupid gun control laws, much less favored new ones every time a crazy committed another crime.

  22. Capital A

    Lee, continue to prove your idiocy all you want, but at no point have I stated that I support MORE or LESS control on guns. What is in place now is a farce, if you want to know my viewpoint. Our current policy does not deter crime in the least, as far as I can tell. Criminals get their hands on these guns while we are hamstrung to do the same.
    Our current gun laws did make me jump through several hoops to own my pistols and hunting rifle. I didn’t mind this too much as I am a citizen in good standing, however. I understand that sometimes we must “play the game” in this country at least until we can work to change the rules.
    What I was opposing was arming teachers which is totally illogical, not to mention counterintuitive. Why you can’t separate totally separate portions of the same issue in discussion is beyond me.
    The range of your comprehension concerning some of the most basic issues in question would barely rival that of a Daisy air rifle.

  23. Randy Ewart

    I think Dave’s on to something. Let’s shoot people who run from cops in the legs – shades of Dirty Harry. Never mind that maybe it’s a teen who stole a dvd.
    Defaince results in death is another worthy reform. Let’s replace the constitution and judicial system in this country with trial by split second decision making on the part of officers. If someone’s drunk and smarts off to a cop, he should be terminated.
    We can apply this rationale in all areas of society. In school, if a kid takes a pencil without asking, we’ll give him the hammer like DeNiro did to the cheater on Casino. If someone’s speeding, we’ll run over his leg with a Hummer. If a 50 year old man hits on minors, we’ll…do nothing apparently.

  24. Dave

    Cap A – Everyone who has had to go through the training and background check knows we call it either a Handgun permit or CWP. NO ONE calls it a “gun license”. Methinks Lee caught you in a little white lie. If you are a gun supporter and second amendment advocate, great, but be real about it.

    Randy, liberals want less punishment for all types of crimes. They want gay scoutmasters, gay military, etc. etc. The agenda is clear. That is why this is so ironic for the left to keep attacking Foley. The problem is it isnt sticking to the GOP, what is happening is now the American public is beginning to believe that ALL gays are pedophiles. That is grossly wrong and unfair. Way to go Dems once again. By the way, you really are obsessed over this Foley trist. Who cares about it other than political opportunists.

  25. Capital A

    Ok, I’m not sure how “licensed gun owner” is that much different from a “permitted hangun user,” but, then again, it’s you and Lee — two who are not necessarily cheerleaders for the figurative or the concise expression of the English language. If you need to cast aspersions on someone’s reputation to make them fit into your closed mind, then that’s your affair and none of mine.
    I’m a fan of the Constitution and believe that it is fine, as is. That belief covers Second Amendment guarantees as well. I know it’s hard to believe that there are those who respect the gun as a weapon and a tool (and who don’t want to unload a full clip on everyone who resists them), but someday, maybe soon, you’ll be able to reason on a higher level and accept that fact.
    As I’ve said before, Lee and Dave, you two are either very young or very elderly. You seem to have an oddly sheltered view of the world and your fellow men. If happiness for you two is the embrace of a warm gun, then please curl up and go back to bed already.

  26. Lee

    The difference is I have credentials. All you have to do is shoot a handgun in competition for 30 years and take a few NRA Instructor training courses.
    I am sure you youngsters fall short on a lot of other skills, as well.

  27. Dave

    John Lennon – Happiness is a warm gun. How unprophetic that one was.

    And Bud and Cap A – stick close, you may learn a thing or two from your elders.

  28. Randy Ewart

    American public is beginning to believe that ALL gays are pedophiles. That is grossly wrong and unfair. Way to go Dems once again. By the way, you really are obsessed over this Foley trist. Who cares about it other than political opportunists. – Dave
    This is a Lee-esque post Dave.
    Your perception of the whole gay issue is skewed. Maybe the CONSERVATIVE American public thinks this, but most Americans are more discerning. They understand the difference between being gay and hitting on minors.
    Who really cares? Dave, do you honestly think the parents of these 16 year old boys either are opportunists or really have shrugged this off? This is a serious question. I’ll keep asking until you answer. What do you think these parents, who trusted their kids to our congress, feel?
    Here’s a hint: “As a parent and speaker of the House, I am disgusted,” Hastert, R-Ill., told reporters
    Apparently, Dave isn’t.

  29. Randy Ewart

    Cap A, I’ve kept a log of Lee career and life experience endeavors:
    Finger print recognition technician
    fireman captain
    school volunteer
    pistols coach
    police firearms instructor
    He’s also had a “conversation” with McCain which was broadcast by WIS
    He’s married to a teacher, the son of a teacher, the nephew to several teachers
    And apparently he’s some type of school hall monitor

  30. Dave

    Randy, What do you think these parents, who trusted their kids to our congress, feel?

    If they were democrat parents, they may be honored. Do you remember how Monica Lewinsky’s parents were pleased and proud that their daughter was playing Deep Throat in the Oral Office? The world is loaded with sicko parents, unfortunately, and you know that most of them are liberal democrats. The truth hurts you must know.

  31. Randy Ewart

    Nice, Dave now attacks the parents of the innocent pages.
    Dave will stop at nothing to defend Foley. That is sick.

  32. Lee

    Hastert removed Foley within days of receiving evidence of his e-mails to pages.
    Barney Frank and Jefferson are still in office. Let’s remove them.

  33. Capital A

    Randy, he also claims that blue blood courses through his veins, for whatever that’s worth. I think his ancestor was something like fifth off the boat at the Virginia settlement? Maybe he was their muskets coach?
    Certainly would provide some insight into their early failures…
    Thanks for keeping up with that list. I almost choked on my coffee when I read the fingerprint analyst bit.
    Upon further review, Lee is…BATMAN (Adam West version)!!!

  34. Lee

    From the perspective of illegal aliens, real citizen looks like a “blue blood”.
    All normal people appear superhuman to the subnormal people.

  35. Capital A

    lee, any truth to the rumor that you co-wrote the script to Birth of a Nation? I didn’t see it on your resume.

  36. Lee

    I notice that I never see Randy and factual information in the same post.
    It’s a good thing he doesn’t teach Character Education.

  37. Lee

    Harry Reid apparently used a common ruse of Democrats to buy property with almost nothing down, then sell it at a huge profit to a lobbyist.
    $400,000 for bare land flipped for $1,100,000.
    His properties are being found all over the US, with buyers in the DC area.
    Smells bad…

  38. Dave

    Lee, Hillary must be jealous. She borrowed $10,000 and only got $100,000 back. And we were told she is the world’s smartest woman.

  39. Lee

    Hillary was only the governor’s wife back then. Her benefactor got a pardon for cocaine trafficking out of Governor Bill.
    Hillary moved up the food chain. As the Senator from NY, she pulled down nearly $10,000,000 in advances on an unwritten book, from Viacom, who needed her committee vote to allow some of their mergers.
    That’s the way you do it: money for nothing…

  40. Randy Ewart

    On June 22, 1990, George Jr. [George W Bush] sold two-thirds of his Harken stock for $848,560-a cool 200 percent profit. The move was well timed. One week after Junior sold his stock, Harken announced a $23.2 million loss in quarterly earnings and Harken stock dropped sharply, losing 60 percent of its value over the next six months.
    This after after a big time Reagan-Bush supporter arranged to have W’s very troubled business infused with a massive loan by a Swiss Bank.
    And we’re told he’s the world’s smartest, er connected business man, er son.

  41. Dave

    Lee, and Bill the music expert.. Money aint for nothin, and the chicks for free…

    Randy, – come on, George at least sold his own stock.. Hillary never invested a dime of her own money.. So the guys a good investor. And a great President.

  42. Randy Ewart

    Hillary’s a good investor using your logic…oh, that only applies to Republicans.
    Great presidents normally have a higher approval rating than 30 what %?

  43. Capital A

    That’s the way to move ’em, Randy. These Repugs and the rapidly growing numbers of their daily indicted are in dire straits.

  44. Lee

    Hillary didn’t invest any money. She didn’t even make the trade. It was made for her by a broker who was also the broker for cocaine smuggler Dan Lassiter. Lassiter took the exact opposite options position from Hillary in the same trade. He “lost” his $100,000 and Hillary got it. Then Governor Clinton pardoned Lassiter. That’s how they do money laundering of a bribe.

  45. Lee

    What is it with Democrats “outing” homosexuals in order to ruin their careers, and bashing the GOP for being tolerant of moral homosexuals?
    Maybe it is the moral aspect Democrats don’t understand.

  46. Dave

    Bud, Republicans want to stop the immoral and amoral leftists from ruining the legal and traditional concept of marriage. After traditional marriage between 1 man and 1 woman is destroyed, multiple partner marriages and even animal marriages are not far behind. It is as simple as that.

  47. Dave

    Randy, I assume you are right in line with the rulings of the 9th Circuit Court out in San Francisco. They embody the immoral and amoral left. Are you trying to imply that the I and A left doesnt exist?

  48. Randy Ewart

    Blanket statements like that and “the anti-semetic left” are lazy, thoughtless, and reflect a problem with prejudiceness.

  49. Lee

    My statement refers to specific articles I posted about the public support for NAMBLA and other pervert groups by Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats.
    Face the facts, instead of always dodging the truth. Do you also support NAMBLA? If so, tell us why? If not, tell us why you support the Democrats who do support NAMBLA?

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