Signing off for a few hours

This blog is hereby signing off for the night. Be sure to tune in at 9 a.m. EST to hear sidekick Andy
Gobeil and me on "The Big Picture on the Radio."

We’ll be further slicing and dicing the election results. And  perhaps we’ll know a little more now than we did then. We’ll see. In the meantime, I’d going to see if I can grab about a five-hour nap and then a really big breakfast before we’re back out on the air.

Goodnight, Chet. Good night, David. And goodnight, Uncle Walter. We TV types miss you the most.

6 thoughts on “Signing off for a few hours

  1. rich

    Well, with Jim Rex, at least somebody will car about public education. Plus, I can stop seeing Karen Floyd’s frozen, zombie smile in my nightmares!!!!!

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