Hey! What’s with the racket? I’m tryin’ to TALK here!

What do you think of this? I’m supposed to speak to a group in Camden on Thursday at breakfast. You know what day Thursday is, don’t you? I’m told that the members of the club are quite aware of the significance of the date, since they are mostly somewhat senior to me.

Anyway, that’s not the weird thing. The weird thing is that the place where the group meets is called "Battleship Road." I am not making this up. I don’t know the name of the place yet, but if it turns out to be the "Arizona Grill" or some such, I’m going to ask for a last-minute change of venue.

4 thoughts on “Hey! What’s with the racket? I’m tryin’ to TALK here!

  1. Dave

    Brad, obviously Pearl Harbor was a disaster of massive proportions. The administration was incompetent and it wasnt just poor intelligence, but foolish naivity and arrogance that we were untouchable. The headlines of the day were “FDR Smoked and Sailors Croaked”. To this day I cannot figure out why we just didn’t cut and run, apologize to the Japanese “insurgents” and then we all would have lived happily ever after. As for today in the real world, we have our latter day cut and runners. Does the good book possibly say, We shall always have our cut and runners?

  2. Brad Warthen

    You know, that war actually WAS sort of about oil, unlike this one. At least from a Japanese perspective…

  3. Steve

    Yeah, let’s just drop the bomb on Iraq and “git r’ done!” Cuz killing is what we does best.

  4. Steve Gordy

    Dave, FDR was considerably less naive on his worst day than W is on his best day. The Navy had broken the Japanese code and deciphered the message that Japan was breaking off talks. The Army and Navy sent WAR ALERT messages to all commands in the Pacific; but the message to Pearl Harbor was sent by Western Union and arrived after the attack in progress. Even with a war warning, McArthur left his combat planes lined up wingtip to wingtip, where the Japanese bombed them to shreds 8 hours after Pearl Harbor (conservatives like to forget this last tidbit). Pearl Harbor was a massive failure of command to use intelligence properly. Can we say that our President’s response to the Presidential Daily Briefing of August 6, 2001 was any smarter? When the 9/11 attacks occurred, the President boarded AF One and flew out of danger’s way for several hours. That is hardly the stuff of leadership.

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