Mark Shriver

Had breakfast this a.m. with Mark Shriver, son of Sargent (and yes, for the celebrity-obsessed, brother-in-law of Arnold). He was in town to talk up the literacy programs his organization, Save the Children, is supporting in South Carolina.

Actually, he had two main points:

  • His group’s S.C. affiliate supports increasing our nation’s-lowest cigarette tax to the national average. I liked this about their position: They see the need (as does our editorial board) to raise the tax whatever it is spent on, because it will prevent a lot of teens from taking up smoking just by raising the price. He’d prefer to see it spent on health care and smoking prevention efforts, though.
  • He’d like state support for his organization’s efforts to give an extra boost to reading skills of kids in poor, rural school districts — wherever the money comes from.

He made the point that as a legislator in Maryland, he was hard-headed about making sure groups that sought money could demonstrate a return on investment, and he’s sure that the economic development boost of better-educated kids qualifies. But I don’t know; I’m inclined to think we should concentrate more on improving the schools themselves, and let private money support private efforts. (That’s not an official editorial opinion; I’d have to study this more. I’m just giving you my first-blush thoughts from the meeting.)

Interestingly, when Mr. Shriver brought up the upcoming reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, I asked what his uncle was thinking about that — seeing as how he had worked with the president to get it passed.

That led to a discussion of a difference between Mr. Shriver and Uncle Ted, who he said is more interested in finding ways to upgrade the teaching corps than in private efforts. I don’t have all the details, but I would tend to think the senator’s on the right track there.

Not to denigrate Save the Children’s efforts. They sound laudable, and I wish them the greatest of success. Our rural areas can use the help, and that’s a profound understatement.

The breakfast was set up by Ted Riley, who I learned does an almost scary impersonation of his dad, the former governor and Education secretary. I’ll have to get that on video sometime.

2 thoughts on “Mark Shriver

  1. mark g

    Save the Children is a terrific charity, and one I’ve supported for many years.
    They make a positive difference in the lives of children around the world– Sudan, Ethiopia, Bangladesh– focusing on poverty, medical treatment, malnourishment, basic needs.
    So it’s startling– almost embarassing– that in a nation as wealthy as the U.S., we are failing so many children.
    I don’t know whether state funding for Save the Children is a good idea, but it is shameful and short-sighted that our state is leaving behind so many young people.
    I appreciate Save the Children’s interest in helping kids who don’t have the basics. But for me that’s a stark reminder of what an awful job we’re doing as a state.

  2. Making Affiliate Money

    nelbar: It has always been my position that Uncle Sam is the one dictating the policies and decisions of the Philippines. No RP President could have been elected without Uncle Sam’ s blessing. Perhaps with the exception of Erap whom America disliked. Erap’ s winning margin was so huge that it was very difficult for the US and Erap’ s enemies to manipulate and change. There were attempts but failed. Cardinal Sin and the Civil Society group were at Erap’ s neck from the very beginning. But, Erap’ s popularity…


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