Doing what we CAN do…

Note that today’s op-ed page
deals entirely with issues of central concern to the Energy Party. (MikeOped_page
was out yesterday, so I picked the content and put that page together myself. Therefore it reflects my obsessions.) It also provides an opportunity to say again what our platform is, and what is isn’t.

Someone who doesn’t think long enough about it might say the two pieces are at odds. Jim Ritchie sets forth his excellent set of initiatives for our state to do its part in promoting energy-efficient buildings, hybrid cars, and such, and Robert Samuelson says beware of politicians announcing grand plans to save the Earth from global warming.

But they actually support each other, and together sort of explain why I take the approach I do in proposing this party.

True, proposals such as "cap and trade" that politicians are likely to get behind (because they see the parade marching that way) will not stop or reverse global warming. Even if you do all the "politically unrealistic" things I propose, the trend will likely merely slow down, and surely not reverse in our lifetimes. Of course, that’s all the reason to do everything we can (and NOT just what we want to do, or think we can afford) to put the brakes on the trend. Otherwise, things get worse, and at a faster rate.

But as Sen. Ritchie makes clear, what we CAN do is grab hold of our energy destiny. What he proposes won’t completely solve the problem, but it’s a damned good start from the perspective of what state government can do. And the broad coalition he’s got behind it is extremely encouraging — not only in terms of Energy issues, but others where we’ve been stymied by partisanship and ideology.

Pragmatism is on the march. Let’s all join. Except, let’s get at the head of the parade and start a new, double-time pace. Otherwise, the battle will be over before this rapidly coalescing army gets to the field — and we all will have lost.

8 thoughts on “Doing what we CAN do…

  1. Doug

    And by “we” you mean everyone else, right?
    Still waiting for a response on whether you plan to take your “tax the SUV” idea to the automobile dealers who advertise in The State… or to lobby your bosses for The State to reject advertising for gas guzzlers.
    Also waiting for a response on what kind of cars your family drives…

  2. bud

    Here are the 5 Ws for eliminating our dependence on foriegn oil:
    Use of wind power has helped in many European countries. It could make a big contribution here.
    Weatherize our houses and bodies to keep power usage at home low. Insulation is the key. Wear warm clothes in winter so that a low thermostat setting will not be uncomfortable.
    Walk places where you may normally drive. It will keep you fit, save gas and drive the oil exporters insane.
    Watch the way you do things. Plan trips better. Watch for low energy appliances when making purchases. Watch what you eat to minimize cooking and highly processed and energy intensive foods.
    Consider the weight of your automobile when making a new purchase. Smaller, lighter cars use less fuel. A small house that weighs less may be sufficient. Why waste the space. And of course a lighter human body uses less energy. So keep those pounds off.

  3. Lee

    Since our socialist bus system loses money at any fare, why not just stop charging fares at all, and encourage more people to ride the bus?
    Oh, I just remembered why I stopped riding the bus:
    1. They became rolling warehouses for the insane.
    2. It is too hard to figure out if and when they will arrive at any particular stop.

  4. bud

    I live in Lexington, about 1/2 mile from US-1. If a bus route ran straight down US-1 from downtown Lexington to the capitol building I’d use it about 3 days a week. Yet for some inexplicable reason we don’t have any bus service. If the DOT would fund buses anywhere near the extent they build roads many such routes would be feasible. The money spent on the little used Conway Bypass alone would fund many such bus systems. Make the buses hydrogen powered and we could help keep the air clean also.

  5. Lee

    Brad, you don’t know the difference between public property and socialist activities. I am sure a lot of the products of our socialist schools have the same confusion.
    Point of education: most of the cost of fuels is taxes, some of which pay for the public roads. The governments make more money off vehicle fuels than all the landowners, oil drillers, refiners and gas stations combined.


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