Cameron Runyan, city council candidate

This morning I ran into a young man planning to run — actually, I guess he’s already running — for one of the two at-large seats on Columbia City Council in next April’s election.

Cameron A. Runyan is seeking the seat currently held by Daniel Rickenmann. Come to think of it, he sort of looks like Daniel Rickenmann — or is it just that really young white guys look alike to me? (And I’m not the one who chopped the left side of his face off. The image was like that when I grabbed it off his Web site.)

Anyway, he was having breakfast with Samuel Tenenbaum, and all I did was stop and shake hands on my way past the table.

That’s all I have to say about that. Presumably you can learn more at the Web site. And I’m sure you’ll read more here about Mr. Runyan and others between now and April.

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