Obama’s elevator small talk


Based upon the umpteenth statement I’ve read along these lines, here’s my impression of Barack Obama making small talk on an elevator:

"Yes indeed, the weather is very fine today. Come to think of it, the air felt much like this on the day in 2002 when I voiced my highly principled, adamant opposition to the Iraq War. Let me tell you about it…"

3 thoughts on “Obama’s elevator small talk

  1. Brad Warthen

    Here we go again…. After I scrolled back a little further in my e-mail, I saw that once again, those hyperquick Obama experts had reacted to an Obama statement before he had released it. This came in via e-mail at 11:37 a.m., while the position statement to which it reacted didn’t come to me until 12:25 — almost a whole hour later!

    These time machines are just getting better and better. I’m thinking they’ll be affordable for all us within a year or two after I can afford a flat-screen, HD TV (which won’t be any time soon) for watching my DVDs on.

  2. weldon VII

    Lightning blitzed the old 32-inch black matrix a couple of months ago, along with the satellite dish, satellite receiver, computer and printer.
    So I went out and paid $1,900 for 42 inches of plasma HD and switched satellite services to get as much HD programming as possible without paying extra for it.
    After two months, I’m just as sick of watching cropped pictures, squeezed pictures and super-flat HD pictures as I was disoriented the first day of the switch to HD.
    HD is fine for watching movies formatted for it, but analog, at least on the old black matrix TV, has apparent depth HD doesn’t.
    And, of course, watching non-HD programming on an HD screen is like watching TV without your glasses on.
    The big HD advantage is that, unlike tube TVs, the monitors are technologically advanced lightweights.
    Like Barack Obama.

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