Whoa! Didn’t Sorensen just GET here?


People come and go so quickly here. Don’t know if you’ve seen this news….

    University of South Carolina President Andrew Sorensen plans to announce at 3 p.m. today that he intends to retire in the second half of next year.
    Sorensen took office in July 2002, following six years as president of the University of Alabama. His formal investiture as USC president took place Dec. 14, 2002.
    He will be 70 years old next July. He has set July 31 as his retirement date, according to board chairman Herbert Adams.

… but it strikes me that he just got here, and he’s started some good stuff, but it’s just gotten started. So how can he leave?

5 thoughts on “Whoa! Didn’t Sorensen just GET here?

  1. Lee Muller

    Just like his 4 predecessors, Dr. Sorensen was a failure at controlling prices and delivering value to the customers of USC. Any administration which cannot keep tuition and fee price increase in line with inflation has failed in one of its basic responsibilities.
    Sorensen never came up with a detailed plan for his research campus, just some vague notions and artist sketches. Unfortunately, the Board of Trustees and legislature were also derelict enough to approve new spending on developing real estate without any plans for what research will take place in them, much less any private sector tenants from the target industries of nanotechnology and biotechnology.

  2. gordon hirsch

    We have four kids in college this year.
    I went to USC, got a great education, and it was the best time of my life. Tuition in the 1970s was $350 a semester, and books added another $50, maybe. I paid it all myself, working nights and weekends.
    Unfortunately, USC was not a viable economic choice for our kids, nor were they even interested in going there. Still, they found other colleges, and are happy with their choices. They also work part-time, but it’s not even reasonable for a parent to expect them to pay their own way these days.
    Meanwhile, mom and dad are driving 12-year old cars, and a garage sale is planned before Spring Term bookstore shopping. Watch this space for more details.

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