See you at the Obama rally, if I’m up that late

Just got a call from Inez Tenenbaum, because I had called her, and then I had to think why, and then I realized it was because some guys (chaps? blokes?) from the BBC were leaving my office after interviewing me, and they asked where the Obama people would be gathering tomorrow night, and I said I’d call somebody who would know. But she hadn’t answered.

That’s because she was at an Obama rally up at Clemson, which was over when she called back at 5:23, so I asked how it had gone. Great, she said — really cold, but a good turnout and plenty of charged-up people. "Oh, there goes a lady with an Obama T-shirt and two little babies!" I’m guessing you had to be there.

Anyway, she and Obama and everybody else were going to Florence next, to have another "Stand for Change" rally, before leaving there and coming to Columbia for the final rally of the night, around 10:45. I told her I’d like to catch it, but the last couple of weeks had taken their toll on my 54-year-old self, and I just don’t think I can do a rally that late.

Oh, but you have to! she insisted. She says it’s fantastic, that in all her years of politics she’s never seen anything like it. As she put it, you just say you’re having a rally, and 4,000 people show up. Then you say you’re having another just like it somewhere across the state, and it happens all over again.

Obviously, the Obama camp is pretty pumped up on Primary Eve. I’ll see if I can make it. If you do the same, maybe I’ll see you. This one will be at the Koger Center. I asked Inez if she thought it would start on time, and she expressed confidence that it would — got to make the 11 o’clock TV news, you know.

Oh, yeah, I found out where they’re gathering Saturday night — at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in the Vista.

One thought on “See you at the Obama rally, if I’m up that late

  1. francine

    Whose Stimulus Makes the Grade?
    One of the benefits of an extended presidential campaign is that it presents real-world tests for candidates. Some take the form of pop quizzes assessing contenders’ instincts in a crisis. Others are more like take-home exams — the latest, and perhaps most revealing, being competing plans for an economic stimulus.
    George W. Bush: B-minus.
    Barack Obama: A-minus.
    John Edwards: B-minus.
    Hillary Clinton: C-plus.


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