Cafeteria Jesus

Earlier this week I got a message from JESUSIN2008.COM, which called my attention to this recent piece in USA Today. We’re not talking about the Son of God here, but a personal construct of the site’s creator, Stephen Heffner.

Heffner, a fallen-away Catholic, picks and chooses his definition of Jesus, and invites you to do the same — a very American, and most unCatholic, pastime, by the way. Isn’t that pretty much the history of the Reformation — groups of folks going around inventing their own Jesuses? (OK, maybe not the liturgical churches, but don’t stop me; I’m on a rhetorical roll.)

Mr. Heffner is highly selective in building his Jesus. "There are only three rules on the site: no miracles, no preaching and no rude behavior," USA Today reports. No raising the dead, no Sermon on the Mount, no driving the money-changers from the Temple. None of that actual stuff that Jesus would do.

Visitors to the site are invited to pick running mates. In a quick glance, I didn’t notice any nominations for St. Peter. Obviously, no campaign consultants visit this site. Simon Peter would be loyal, would have that common touch that would help the ticket, and would be able to play the traditional veep "goon" role on the opposition with awesome effectiveness.

Of course, you don’t have to go to … well, wherever Mr. Heffner lives … to create your own Jesus (rather than, as most theologians would have it, letting Jesus redefine you). Adam Fogle just filed a TPS Report about a congressional candidate right here in S.C. who’s doing just that. Isn’t that special?

10 thoughts on “Cafeteria Jesus

  1. Karen McLeod

    Are we trying to define the Son of God here, or a president. They are not the same being,in case nobody knew.

  2. Brad Warthen

    Absolutely. And who’d want to be the consultant who had the task of talking him into running? I mean, it would be a tremendously blessed experience, but it would be doomed to failure — as defined from a worldly perspective. Which, of course, would be the wrong way of looking at it.
    Here’s another tidbit for thought: Should I have labeled this in the “Republicans” or “Democrats” category? I certainly wasn’t willing to blaspheme by putting it under “UnParty.”

  3. Herb Brasher

    Brad, a good Catholic dissing Simon Peter, the first pope? Your surprise me greatly! Actually, I think that an older Simon Peter would not make a good candidate for any political office, given his pitch for humility.

  4. Herb Brasher

    And Brad where is your church history?

    Isn’t that pretty much the history of the Reformation — groups of folks going around inventing their own Jesuses? (OK, maybe not the liturgical churches, but don’t stop me; I’m on a rhetorical roll.)

  5. Karen McLeod

    I think someone may have offered Jesus the nearest eqivalent of the presidency for that time. Something about being ruler of all the world, with some minor prerequisite…anyway, Jesus said “No” most emphatically. Can’t imagine why.

  6. Lee Muller

    Jesus knew BS when he heard it.
    If you want to be like Jesus, realize that the endless political promises free this and free that, get even, get-your-share, equality and justice are just Satan talking.

  7. Karen McLeod

    Yep, Lee. Jesus knew BS when he heard it. I just suspect that several of our past presidents, and our current one, fell for it.

  8. Lee Muller

    Bill Clinton’s administration was just a continuation of G.H.W. Bush’s policies, after a few spectacular failures by Hillary. That’s all history.
    Time now to reject the Satanic verses of Hillary and Obama.

  9. HWP

    This looks like the only ‘recent posts’ category to share this “revelation.”
    Cayce may have its own Cafeteria Antichrist. I am serious — don’t celebrate any Christian holidays at the Black Bull; it apparently incenses the other side. I had to call the Cayce Fire Department at the 2006 Porsche Club Christmas Party. The fumes rising from the plumbing were so bad I was worried the whole place was about to blow. Cayce FD didn’t take me seriously. Imagine that.
    Anyway, when SCE&G moves out there and Mr. Power Doper decides to selectively shut off the juice around town, I wouldn’t take ANY free food from that place–like Starbucks was handing out yesterday. That free lunch could kill ya!

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