Obama’s speaking — inspirationally, as usual — as I type, and there’s a crawl going across the bottom of the screen (WGN, the Chicago station), showing the results in Illinois legislative races.
How about that? Those folks figured out that as long as they were voting today, might as well have the state primaries, rather than having to haul all that stuff out and pay all those poll workers on a separate day.
We’ll have to wait to June to have our primaries (and to make it crazier, we’ll have Columbia city elections before that).
But what do you expect? We can’t even get it together enough to have our presidential primaries on the same day.
But I’m not giving up on my home state. I believe that one day, we’ll just haul off and start doing stuff in a way that makes some semblance of good sense.
You may not believe that. You may not think it’s possible. But I say:
(See what I did? I got back to Obama there at the end. Cool, huh?)