Meanwhile, back on the dusty trail…

    This blog post takes place between 11 p.m. and midnight on the day of the California primary…

…And even though I haven’t shot anybody or been wounded even once myself today, I’m starting to feel a little tired. So you can imagine how Jack Bauer feels.

Anyway, while we wait to see whether Sen. Palmer — I mean, Sen. Obama — wins the Democratic primary way out yonder where even time itself is distorted, I’m thinking on popular culture again. By a coincidence, both Warren Bolton and I saw "3:10 to Yuma" over the weekend, which I felt gave me all the excuse I needed to talk about that in our last two days’ morning meetings, instead of the state budget and stuff like that that Cindi likes to talk about.

Good cowboy flick, despite the violence being somewhat over-stylized in the modern mode. Two points stuck out:

  • When you saw it, weren’t you ready for that scuzzy yellow-bearded fella with the crazy eyes to get shot about an hour before the final shootout? He was just beggin’ for it.
  • Speaking of that climactic scene — wasn’t it amazing that the protagonist was suddenly able to run just as fast as Russell Crowe, despite the inconvenient fact that, supposedly, he only had one leg? But I surmise that was in keeping with the unities of the Western. Just as the action must never stop for Gene Autrey to reload, it can’t be inconvenienced by a main character missing a leg; he’ll just have to sprint for cover like everybody else.
  • The credits confused me. If this was indeed based on a Glenn Ford Western of the same name, how was it based on a short story by Elmore Leonard? Well, interesting thing about that. Seems ol’ Elmore was writing stories WAY before I knew he was, and certainly before Quentin Tarantino ever thought about teaming up with him.

In short, not a bad shoot-em-up. Now, back to the primaries…

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