Live it or write it

Folks, the last couple of days things have been too hectic for blogging, and the next few might be as well.

Part of the problem (and you don’t want to know all the reasons) is that dilemma I’ve cited over and over again in the past (but please don’t make me look it up to link to it right now): It’s hard both to have experiences worth blogging about, and blog. A cake and eat it too sort of thing.

Yesterday, we had three city council candidates come through on a day that would have been long, stressful and overloaded without a single one of them. The interviews were very interesting, though, and I think I have some good video, but haven’t had time to look at it. If at all possible, I’ll post something on them this weekend.

We talked to Belinda Gergel, Brian Boyer and Cameron Runyan (whom I referred to this morning yet again as Damon Runyon, but was corrected; sorry about that, Cameron). We have two council candidates (both at large) left, to whom we’ll be speaking on Tuesday. Eventually, I’ll post about all of them.

Right now, I’ll just make the overall comment that this is an unusually strong set of candidates so far, given what we’ve sometime seen in Cola city elections. More later.

2 thoughts on “Live it or write it

  1. Doug Ross

    Hope you ask them whether they support spending several hundred thousand in tax dollars on a skate park while people are getting murdered in unsafe apartment complexes.
    That should make an endorsement decision pretty simple.

  2. bill

    Could you ask them what they plan to do about public transportation?
    The deteriorating system we have now is affecting myself and many others.
    With climbing gas prices,it’s outrageous and irresponsible to ignore this issue.
    To echo Doug;maybe they expect people to skate to work.


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