Hey, I could relate better to the $16

Just got this e-mail from Amanda Belcher with musicFIRST:

Although $16 would be bad enough, it’s actually $16 billion a year that
the radio industry makes on advertising revenue while paying performers zero.
Apologies for the typo in my previous email.

Actually, I could relate better to losing the $16. That’s an amount I might actually have in my wallet sometimes, so I can imagine having it taken from me. Billions are an abstraction, as Uncle Joe might have said

3 thoughts on “Hey, I could relate better to the $16

  1. p.m.

    Today, Wednesday, July 23, it became apparent just how much good Mike Fitts was doing The State.
    Today’s editorial contained the phrase “shoe-in.” That should be “shoo-in,” Mr. Warthen.
    So now it becomes apparent why you can relate to $16 better than a $16 billion.
    Still, Ariail’s Obama coronation cartoon was pretty good.
    Keep trying. You may overcome the time you spend at University of South Carolina even yet.

  2. Brad Warthen

    Looks like you could use some editing help, too.
    Yep, everybody we lose means that much more that fewer people have to read that much faster…
    Of course, someone being paid to prepare and present a publicity campaign USUALLY isn’t cranking out as much info, at least not as many varied items, as I do in a day, between multiple pages of varied content for the paper, blog posts, etc. — not to mention all the e-mailing and internal communication that at least needs to communicate clearly, even if it doesn’t have to be word-perfect.
    In fact, because I process so much, so fast, I long ago adopted the policy of editing (as well as possible under the circumstances) even my most informal communications, just to impose the discipline. I worry that if I communicate the way a lot of people do via e-mail — no capitalization, a disregard for spelling and punctuation, etc. — that carelessness will bleed over into the stuff I’m actually publishing.
    Or maybe I’m just obsessive.
    But it really doesn’t matter how good you are, or how obsessive — if you don’t have enough backup, errors will slip through.


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