Craig Ferguson on Palin’s ‘naughty librarian vibe’

ay, way before I suggested that Sarah Palin reminded me of that stock sitcom character, the secretary/teacher/librarian with the glasses and the hair in a bun who turns out to be sexy and glamorous, Craig Ferguson — a guy I am just barely aware is on television, he comes on so late — noted that the then-little-known governor of Alaska had a sort of "naughty librarian vibe" going on.

Just thought I should give credit where it was due, now that it’s been brought to my attention.

9 thoughts on “Craig Ferguson on Palin’s ‘naughty librarian vibe’

  1. david

    I don’t suppose I ought to let this silliness about Governor Palin anger me.
    After all, Hillary gives off a vibe too. A screeching nurse Ratchet comes to mind. As I mentioned in another string, so does Scoppi…I’m visualizing her taking shorthand in something revealing.
    Can’t help noticing however that no one ever seems to point out these vibes about Clinton or Scoppi. Why would that be, I wonder?
    It is also interesting that Brad Warthen pisses, pules, moans and laments that that we aren’t having an “adult” election in another string where his pet issue (racism) is attributed to whites who don’t agree that Obama is really all that great…and yet doggedly perpetuates the sexist immaturity aimed lopsidedly at Governor Palin.
    Actually, it’s not really all THAT interesting.

  2. James D McCallister

    Like I said awhile back, the GOP has run out of two-bit actors and turned to a weather girl. Brilliant and telling about both the party and anyone dense enough to lend them a grudging vote.

  3. david

    Your frenzied name calling is fine James. I’m perfectly happy for intellectual flyweights like you to toss around worn out and childish leftist talking points as long as Palin is helping defeat the empty suit democrat nominee.
    Keep it coming Mac. Victory in November will be sweet, especially when we see guys like you with your hopes dashed and your spirit broken.

  4. p.m.

    James, here’s hoping you and Craig Ferguson (who cares what that late-night also-ran thinks?) are in a rowboat together with Sarah Palin one day, and she has not just the only only paddle, but the text of everything you’ve written on this blog.

  5. Lee Muller

    The way “liberals” are so intolerant, and so filled with hate for Palin, I have to wonder exactly what it is they imagine she is going to do to them, or take from them?

  6. Lee Muller

    Try to find the name of “that librarian woman”, the names of the books that “Palin wanted to ban”, and some evidence that anyone tried to fire “that woman”.
    So far, it is just another Obama Lie.


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