David Herndon, S.C. House District 79


Sept. 11, 1 p.m. —
OK, I’m really going to try to keep these endorsement interview posts shorter so that I can get them done and not fall behind the way I did in the last couple of election cycles (resorting to such cheap tricks as running nothing but pictures when I ran out of time).

David Herndon should be a good one for me to practice this new resolution on, since he didn’t have that much to say different from what he said in our primary interview. (And that’s not a bad thing at all, since we ended up endorsing him then.)

An overview of what we talked about:

  • He said he was better qualified for the House because of his experience in business and in life.
  • He said opponent Anton Gunn — a "super nice guy" is less qualified because he’s spent his work life out of the private sector, in politics and the community organizer field.
  • He feels very comfortable with his district. He said that (like Caesar’s Gaul), there are three distinct communities within the Kershaw-Richland district, and at various times he’s lived in all of them.
  • He thinks the governor’s trying to get the Legislature to come back to prioritize budget cuts is political posturing.
  • On education, he agrees with most of Jim Rex’s proposals. He sees himself as having a broad perspective on the issue, with one child in military school, another home-schooled, and one in public elementary school.
  • He sees his job as maintaining his district’s attraction for economic development and as an attractive place to live.

I’m going to force myself to stop right there.

2 thoughts on “David Herndon, S.C. House District 79

  1. Barry

    I’ll most likely vote for David. I also like Anton Gunn but it seems like Anton has been running for this office for years and years. Yes, I realize he lost his previous race. But so far it seems Anton just wants to be elected to something.
    I also don’t really like the fact that Anton doesn’t seem to mention the fact of his role with the Senator Obama campaign. I don’t mind that he has a role, but he seems to avoid mentioning it at all costs. To me that is a sign of “politics as usual.”


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