Be sure to register… Deadline? What deadline? DOH!!!

We all know what a huge effort Obama has put in to registering new voters — in S.C. before the primaries, and everywhere since. It’s one of the main keys to his success in securing the nomination, and will probably win him the general election. Normally, one could discount his being ahead in the polls on account of the fact that self-identified Democrats often don’t show up on Election Day. This time, they will. And they’ll be registered.

So it’s kind of pathetic to see the two e-mails I received over the last day or so from GOP sources:

  1. The first one I saw  (even though it came in second), from Mike Huckabee, just made me think "He’ll use any excuse to strike up a conversation; guess he still has a lot of campaign debt." It was headlined, "A friendly reminder; register to vote," and had a link to this site. It provided a link to this Web site. It came in today.

  2. But the true desperation was in this one that came in from McCain yesterday : "Emergency Voter Registration & Get-Out-The-Vote Effort," it was headlined.

Fellas, fellas… how can I break this to you? The deadline to register to vote in the November election was Saturday in South Carolina. And you know what? From my moving around the country over the years, I seem to recall that 30 days out is not a particularly unusual deadline, in spite of all those efforts out there to make it easier to vote on short notice (you know, the moves that you Republicans usually oppose).

This is lame, guys. Just lame.

21 thoughts on “Be sure to register… Deadline? What deadline? DOH!!!

  1. bud

    I find it interesting how the Republican talking points always stress how “liberal” their Democratic rivals are. Conversely they proudly embrace the “conservative” label as though it imparts some sort of virtue on their guy. This is a fascinating way of framing the debate. Yet it seems to me that this line of attack is losing steam. Folks simply don’t buy into the mantra that conservative = good, virtuous, smart, prudent, responsible while liberal equates to reckless, elitist, out of touch, anti-family, soft on crime and especially naive on national defense. Given the continued failure of the GOP controlled government is it any wonder that the luster has worn off the “conservative” label?

  2. bud

    This is just downright hillarious. From Rich Lowry:
    “McCain needs more focus on the economy rather than less. He has to brand Obama as a job-killer, whose promised tax increases, plans for $1 trillion in new spending and protectionism make him unfit to forge the nation’s economic recovery.”
    LOL. No Rich. McCain may be stupid but he’s not THAT stupid. The less attention he focuses on the economy the better. His party’s failure on economic matters is pretty well documented by now. Obama wins easily on that issue. Even though it’s repulsive the Ayers/Rezco stuff has a better chance than the economy for McCain.

  3. Mike Cakora

    bud –
    Don’t forget to pass the word around.

    Republicans vote on Tuesday. November 4th,
    Democrats vote on Wednesday, November 5th!

  4. bud

    Mike, I plan to vote early and often on both days! It doesn’t really matter though. There are only 9 states left that will essentially decide the election. All the others are pretty much locked in. The undecideds include:
    Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Indiana, Wisconsin and Colorado. McCain needs to win 8 of these to win including all 3 of the big ones (PA, FL and OH).

  5. bud

    Oh my gosh! The DOW is down another 500 points! I was feeling a little better riding home yesterday after listening to Keven Cohen’s show. His guests seemed upbeat and suggested that the DOW had found the bottom. Apparently not yet. It’s starting to sink in. This is bad.

  6. Lee Muller

    What do you care, bud?
    You were just bragging about how lavishly you planned to live on your state pension and Social Security.

  7. Tim

    bud, the problem with your argument is that GOP doesn’t necessarily equal conservative, especially of late. Sure, the GOP platform has historically represented conservatives more than that of the Democrats, but as a proud conservative, the GOP doesn’t speak for me on several key issues, especially when it comes to fiscal issues.

  8. just saying

    Does the GOP represent you more than the Dems do though? (Since we don’t have a parliamentary system, its not like a 3rd party has any chance at staging a last minute upset.)

  9. Tim

    just saying..Oh yes. It’s not even a competition to compare Republicans to Democrats in who represents me better. I can’t even think of one social issue where Democrats represent me better than Republicans.

  10. James D McCallister

    And that’s a big reason why the GOP is in decline. Out of touch with most Americans on social issues, except maybe the endtimes/witchcraft/Palin constituency.

  11. Tim

    Huh? What are you talking about? The last I checked, the GOP represented the vast majority of Americans on social issues, seeing as how the “average American” (whatever that is)is center-right. Just take abortion and homosexual marriage. The overwhelming majority of Americans don’t like to see easy access to abortion such as we have under Roe v Wade and they don’t want homosexual marriage (as evidenced by the number of states that have passed a ban on it). So I categorically deny your assertion that the GOP is out of step with Americans on social issues.

  12. James D McCallister

    I am categorically refute your denial, which speaks of AM radio echo chamber rhetoric. You’re talking about what evangelicals want, not the average person.

  13. Tim

    No, you’re speaking of what the immoral liberals want, not the average person.
    See, your argument works both ways. Fact is, when it comes to social issues the American people would rather lean right than left which has been born out in election after election. There’s nothing “AM radio echo chamber rhetoric” about it. You don’t agree with GOP social issues. Fine, but there’s not a case that the extreme views of today’s Democratic platform remotely represent the “average” person in America.
    And to concede the point, I know that my personal views don’t represent the average person either. But that was not the original question.

  14. bud

    Tim, you’re half right. Most Americans probably do oppose gay marriage. But polls generally show, but not by much, Americans to be pro-choice.

  15. Tim

    bud, I won’t deny that (for how sad it makes me), but let me expound a little more in order to be more clear (even though I did say this originally). I don’t believe that the average American wants easy access to abortion so that it can be used as a form of birth control, which is essentially what Roe v Wade allows and what is occurring in our nation today. When less than 1% of abortions are performed because of rape or incest then we have a huge problem. I’d like to believe that even folks who are pro-choice would like to see less. As far as political platforms are concerned, even though I personally am not in lock step with what Republicans fight for on abortion, their fight to at least make it at least a little more difficult to access or limit late-term abortions is more in line with the “average person” than the Democratic platform of the right to have an abortion at just about any point in the pregnancy. Contrary to what the left screams, the Republican fight to overturn Roe v Wade will not make abortion illegal. It only allows the states to make the decision, and at last count there were something like 43 states who would probably keep it legal. Sure, there’s an element of the Republican party who would like to see a blanket ban on abortion, but the party’s actions as a whole don’t show that they are looking to have that happen. In fact, as a side note, it would probably hurt the pro-life movement more in order to have to fight to make abortion illegal in 50 states rather than having one single federal ban on it (Which, for the record, I think is a terrible idea. You don’t abolish a bad law such as Roe v Wade by making another bad law).
    We don’t need to fight the abortion issue. That’s not my intent. I’ll respect everyone’s right to have their own opinion on the matter. But my point is, even with the general public barely leaning pro-choice, it is still a center-right position in that the “average person” doesn’t want birth control abortions such as we have today. In that instance, history shows that the GOP represents their interests better than the Democratic platform.
    Again, not my personal views, but it’s where the American public is realistically.

  16. Lee Muller

    Obama not only favors abortion as birth control, for any reason and without any reason, but Obama also supports infanticide in the form of late-term abortions right up to the moment of live birth, and of letting unwanted newborn infants die.
    He has voted for infanticide, and his wife Michelle Obama tells supporters that he will be a strong defender of late-term abortions, without any restrictions.

  17. just saying

    “I don’t believe that the average American wants easy access to abortion so that it can be used as a form of birth control, which is essentially what Roe v Wade allows and what is occurring in our nation today.”
    Why would the average American (or certainly any conservative) trust the US government to decide under what circumstances they should be able to get an abortion? (I’m sorry, you only have a 57% chance of dying if you continue the pregnancy, and there’s only a 68% chance the child will die before delivery… abortion request denied!… next!)
    As far as partial birth abortions (or partial infant murders, or whatnot), I don’t personally know anyone on the pro-choice side who finds them even vaguely acceptable. If a group on the center-right could ever make it look like that was the only procedure they were talking about at the time (and left in some really hard to pass life endangerment thing), I bet it would pass pretty easily.

  18. Lee Muller

    If partial birth abortions and infanticide were not supported by anyone, they would already be illegal. The fact is, they are legal because Democrats like Barack Obama fight to keep infanticide legal.


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