Praying for my friend’s business

Last night, I was speaking to a friend who has been very kind and encouraging to me in recent months — in fact, he approached me right after I left the paper with his willingness to help me launch my own publication if my interests lay in that direction (I didn’t take him up on it).

Anyway, he was sharing with me the fact that his own business is struggling as a result of the same economic conditions that caused my situation. And today is a fateful day for him, in which he is meeting with three separate bankers to try to line up the financing he will need in 2010 to keep operating. And when I wished him well, he asked if I’d also say a prayer for him today. Which I have.

I urge you to do the same. I’m not going to embarrass him by sharing his name, but God will know whom you mean even if you don’t. Know that he is a good and righteous man who would likely pray for you in similar circumstances. And he stands for so many who are struggling these days. Whether you will have a bountiful Christmas or a modest one, I urge you to make this part of your Advent reflections.


5 thoughts on “Praying for my friend’s business

  1. Kathryn Fenner

    Was it someone you were speaking to at the Rotary party? If so, I will make a double prayer for him….

    Make sure your missus prays, too. Something about her makes me think God listens more closely when she speaks.It was truly a pleasure to meet her….

  2. orphan annie

    I too have a very successful friend being basically put out of business by non lending banks.
    Please add in this righteous man Brad. ( I won’t name names either because the Lord in heaven knows we are under heavy judgement at this time in history.)

  3. Kathryn Fenner

    I almost lost it when a fellow Rotarian started in at the Christmas party about how bad it was that bailout banks got their money with strings! Strings, nothing–we should have nationalized the buggers that were “too big to fail” and then we would be getting some loans in return for our money, instead of bonuses for bankers! ….but then that was a different administration—one with “principles”

    If banks don’t start lending to businesses and others, we need to step in and do it ourselves…cut out the middleman, just like we need to kill the middlemen of health insurance.

    Man the barricades!

    And I already prayed yesterday–and today. I’ll add in all the businesses that deserve a loan and aren’t getting one!

  4. jHammond

    oh, you lost me there. Pray for a single anonymous businessman before God? On your reccomendation? Amidst my general prayer for reason and justice and peace and clean water and intact limbs for everyone worldwide?
    I wish him no ill will, and I hope it turns out ok for him, but seriously, you’re coming across like an internet evangelist…
    oh well, this post has missed the deadline, anyway, so my prayer wouldn’t count. But anyway, I’ll stop to pray, again, that suffering ends.
    Reason and justice and enlightenment for all is my prayer.
    For which my dad would call me a communist…
    Go figure.

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