Gettin’ down to bidness with the primary

Just started trying to sell ads to primary candidates, and made my first sale today.

You’ll see it soon, this evening or tomorrow. And yes, I’m about to take down the leftover ones from the city runoff. Congratulations again to my customers Steve Benjamin and Leona Plaugh.

Y’all can start a pool if you’d like on who my first ad will be for. Let’s just say this: Remember how my first advertiser in the city election was Tony Mizzell, the VP for interactive at Chernoff Newman? I thought that spoke well of this as an ad venue that a professional like Tony knew it would be worth his while (and he told me the diagnostics he put on it looked good). Well, this is a candidate who would likewise be seen as politically and media-savvy. I figure, might as well sell to them first.

11 thoughts on “Gettin’ down to bidness with the primary

  1. Kathryn Fenner


    Eleanor Kitzman for Lt. Gov.

    Seth Rose for Rich County, except I bet you’re too rich for his blood–he is one hard working candidate, though.

  2. Brad Warthen

    And how cheesy is it that I kept up the defunct city election ads until I could get at least one to replace them. I figured having no visible ads was bad for sales. I’m crafty. Ya gotta watch me. I’m from Erie, PA.

    No, wait — that was some guy in a movie who said that. Me, I’m from Bennettsville, SC. Which would be another reason to watch me.

  3. Kathryn Fenner

    It seems that Brad does well with people in the business of publicizing things, Chernoff Newman and Quinn and Associates…..Either they’re on to something, or they’ll buy anything.

  4. Brad Warthen

    I sort of go after them first because of my theory that they are likely to make OTHER people think they’re onto something. The less media-savvy will think, if THEY see this as a good buy, maybe I should go for it. It’s like getting free advice from consultants.

    As I said, I’m crafty. But not crafty enough to stay quiet about my strategy…

  5. Brad Warthen

    Oh, and let me hastily add — I’m not trying to FOOL the marks. I mean, customers. I actually believe those media-savvy people ARE onto something when they advertise with me. But when THEY make this smart move, others are more likely to understand that it IS a smart move. Or am I overthinking this?

  6. Kathryn Fenner

    Dude–the advertisers either get it and are willing to pay your rates, or they don’t/aren’t, and I doubt if anything you write here makes any further diff.

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