Jim Rex blesses Steve Benjamin campaign

Rex isn't actually giving a papal-style blessing in this picture; it just looks like it./2006 file photo -- Brad Warthen

Rex isn't really giving a papal-style blessing here; it just looks like it./2006 file photo -- Brad Warthen

On Election Day I dropped by the Steve Benjamin headquarters on Washington Street looking for campaign manager Joey Opperman, and was told by the lady on the front desk that he was “over at the Rex headquarters.”

Which seemed odd. So I moved on, ending up at the Morrison HQ, where I picked up the early stats that allowed me to call the results before other media. Not that I’m bragging, but bradwarthen.com was, as usual, on the spot while it’s hot.

Anyway, I didn’t know what the connection was and I’m sure I still don’t know, but I’m not too surprised at this news at midday today:

Rex endorses Steve Benjamin
for Mayor of Columbia

(COLUMBIA) State Superintendent of Education Jim Rex, a Democratic candidate for Governor, today endorsed Steve Benjamin to become Columbia’s next mayor. In a statement, Rex said:

“I am proud to lend my support in any way possible to ensure that Steve Benjamin becomes Columbia’s next mayor. Steve is a man of integrity, experience, and intellect, and I know he will lead our state’s Capital City to new heights. I urge the citizens of Columbia – and especially my supporters who live there – to cast their votes for him in this historic runoff election on Tuesday, April 20th.”

4 thoughts on “Jim Rex blesses Steve Benjamin campaign

  1. Brad Warthen

    Nope, nor…
    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem…

    Or as we say at the noon Mass,
    Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo, danos la paz…

    I feel for people who go to monoglot churches where it’s all in English…

  2. Doug Ross

    How about “quid pro quo”… or “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”… or “I need you more than you need me”…

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