To quote C3PO, ‘I’ll close down for awhile’…

Over the next few hours I won’t be able to post, although I should be able to keep approving your comments.

My blog is being migrated over to a new host, and I hope soon this will mean better functionality for you. (I hope to be able to fix some things that have never worked right, such as allowing commenters to register. Also, as Doug has noted, I’ve been hacked by some spammers, and we hope to get that cleaned up.) Once we get it all up and running on the new platform, we’ll be thinking about a redesign.

So… no Virtual Front Page today, and I may seem a little quiet for awhile. But I’m still here. I’m working on getting ready for the next Brad Show, and other exciting features.

Things should be back to normal by tomorrow, as far as what you see here.

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