Virtual Front Page, Thursday, May 13, 2010

Well it was a big day on the SC front, with a cigarette tax becoming a reality. Sure, it’s pathetic that that should be a big deal, since it’s a no-brainer that should have happened, easily, years and years ago. But let’s celebrate anyway:

  1. Senate Easily Overrides Cigarette Tax Veto ( — So starting July 1, we’ll no longer have the distinction of doing the most in the nation to keep cigarettes cheap for kids.
  2. F.B.I. Arrests 3 in Raids Linked to Times Sq. Bomb Case (NYT) — So much for the lone bomber. Will be interesting to find out just how much of a network the Pakistani Taliban had here.
  3. Obama to critics: I told you so (WSJ) — On the day a poll showed the Republicans making significant gains, maybe even taking Congress in November if the patterns hold, Obama signals he’s not backing down to anybody.
  4. Oil rig owner aims to limit liability (WashPost) — Why, the nervy so-and-sos…
  5. Thai red-shirt supporter Gen Khattiya shot (BBC) — It was interesting, and ominous, to watch this developing on Twitter early this morning. How ominous is it? “The US has closed its embassy in Bangkok saying it is ‘very concerned’ – and the UK also said it was closing its embassy on Friday because of the situation.”
  6. City Council Moves on Police Consolidation ( — Just a small turn of the screw, but it’s a step.

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