Fun Post I: Abe Froman tribute

This promises to be a long and hairy day, with GOP lawmakers in the House poised to knuckle under to a discredited governor’s indefensible vetoes.

So I thought I’d start it with some fun, to give us the strength to bear it all.

I’ll start with this really awesome tribute video I found on YouTube last night. How did I find it? Well, I was posting that item about the death of Jimmy Dean, and I said something about him being the Sausage King of America, which of course was a play on Abe Froman, the Sausage King of Chicago, and I went looking for a link to explain that for those of you who are not well schooled in Ferris Bueller, and I ran across this. (And yes, I linked to it yesterday, but y’all don’t always follow links.)


One thought on “Fun Post I: Abe Froman tribute

  1. Michael P.

    Well I’m not going to get all worked up over today, which has been a good day so far, except for this miserable Columbia heat.

    Sometimes one needs to do what he needs to do. In this case, cut all the artsy-fartsy crap out of the state budget.


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