Your Virtual Front Page, Friday, April 8, 2011

Let’s wrap this week up, shall we?

  1. Parties stand firm as budget deadline nears (WashPost) — Is that what they call it? Standing firm? My wife doesn’t like it when I call people idiots, so I’m at a loss for anything to say. I mean, really — passing a budget is the one thing they’re supposed to get done each year, and they can’t ever even do that.
  2. What to expect in a shutdown (WashPost) — I directed you to a similar story earlier, but this is from another source, and it’s timelier now.
  3. Budget Showdown Redux (WSJ) — A brief recap, as a reminder for grownups, and as a “history” lesson for those who are so ridiculously young that they weren’t following when this happened only 16 years ago.
  4. Syrian city hit by deadly clashes (BBC) — At least 23 demonstrators were killed.
  5. Shooting attack on UK nuclear sub (BBC) — Shades of Hunt for Red October.
  6. New York ‘at risk’ as seas rise (BBC) — An interesting take-note-of thing to know…

I was kind of heavy on BBC today, huh? Well, I didn’t have anything local. Maybe that’s because I saw John O’Connor and Trey Walker enjoying a long lunch at Yesterday’s (note product placement for my advertiser) today. They need to get off their duffs and make and cover some news. Why, in my day, we didn’t eat lunch, and we liked it!

4 thoughts on “Your Virtual Front Page, Friday, April 8, 2011

  1. Susanna K.

    Your “ridiculously young” comment got me thinking. I was in my last semester of college during the last gov’t shutdown, preparing for comps. They could have burned down the Capitol bldg. and I wouldn’t have noticed.

  2. Karen McLeod

    Can we start a campaign “get busy, you bums” online, GBUB (pronounced “gee bub”), that involves any sane person contacting his/her representative, with the message that if said representative doesn’t start acting like a grown up rather than a kid dressed in a superman costume, then we will do our best to vote them out of office? These folks are so busy posturing that they aren’t working.


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