All I can think is that Congress just hasn’t been in the news all that much lately

Gallup finds that Congress is slightly less wildly unpopular than it was last time they checked:

PRINCETON, NJ — Americans’ approval of Congress is at 17% in June, similar to the 15% in May, and continuing the generally low levels seen since last June.

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job? Recend trend, 2011-2012

Congress’ latest job approval reading, based on Gallup interviewing conducted June 7-10, is modestly higher than the all-time low of 10% recorded in February. Similarly, disapproval of Congress, now at 79%, is the same as in May, and not far below the record-low 86% recorded in February, and in December 2011.

Congressional job approval has generally been low for years, with readings as low as 18% in the summer of 2007 and 14% in July 2008. It did improve in 2009, as Barack Obama entered his initial “honeymoon” phase as president, with his own job approval ratings in the 60% range. In March 2009, Congress’ job approval reached 39%, the highest it had been since February 2005. But that period of relative positivity did not last, and in 2010, 2011, and so far this year, Congress’ approval ratings have routinely been below 20%. Approval of Congress has averaged 14% so far in 2012.

The only explanation I can think of is that we haven’t heard much from Congress lately. That would tend to reduce the level of utter contempt in which most of us hold the institution.

But watch — the Midlands’ two members, Joe Wilson and Jim Clyburn — will be re-elected, practically by acclamation.

4 thoughts on “All I can think is that Congress just hasn’t been in the news all that much lately

  1. `Kathryn Braun

    but the incumbents will, by and large, be re-elected, even in states where they aren’t the only choices on the ballot.

    I voted today. Did y’all?

  2. bud

    But watch — the Midlands’ two members, Joe Wilson and Jim Clyburn — will be re-elected, practically by acclamation.

    As will the majority of other members of congress. What we have is a strange phenomenon that the country finds everyone else’s congressman in contempt but not their own. Seems very strange to me. Considering Joe Wilson’s “You Lie” outburst it is really stunning that he doesn’t even have a democratic challenger. As for Clyburn, I find him pretty uninspiring. Seems like an intraparty challenger would have a pretty good shot at either of these long-time incumbents.

  3. Tavis Micklash

    “But watch — the Midlands’ two members, Joe Wilson and Jim Clyburn — will be re-elected, practically by acclamation”

    Of course they will.
    The recipe for election is pretty clear.

    Avoid voting on anything controversial. If you must actually vote stay with the herd. Get all the free advertising you can by slapping your name on everything. Above all bring home the bacon.

    Building a grass root effort is tough. The value of the address book (money tree) is huge. If a serious challenger comes up you just have to shake it.


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