Your Virtual Front Page, Thursday, March 21, 2013

Not much local, but the rest of the world is busy:

  1. Crisis in Cyprus pushes E.U. toward rupture (WashPost) — Just to help you feel better about our economic situation. Not that this doesn’t hold the potential to pull us down with it…
  2. Obama Lays Out Case for Israel to Revive Peace Talks (NYT) — Interestingly, he’s not calling on Israel to halt settlements any more.
  3. Syria-Israel cease-fire is threatened, U.N. chief says (WashPost) — As though we didn’t have enough of a mess over there.
  4. Chumley will not pay back state plane costs ( — Because, you know, we taxpayers are supposed to pick up the tab for his nullification crusade straight out of the 1830s.
  5. CIA Drone Operations Could Be Handed To Pentagon (NPR) — This is kind of old now, but important. I think it’s a good idea. What do y’all think?
  6. India passes sexual violence law (The Guardian) — Well, it’s about time. Talk about a country where there’s an actual “war on women” going on…

5 thoughts on “Your Virtual Front Page, Thursday, March 21, 2013

    1. Silence

      Magpull is talking about leaving Colorado. We already have a solid firearm manufacturing base here in Columbia with FN, maybe Colt and Magpull would like to put factories in the area. Firearm manufacturing was the original precision/high tech manufacturing, You have to be able to machine and cast to very high tolerances. Eli Whitney, I think, may have been one of the first, if not the first to modernize manufacturing using interchaneable parts – and firearms! This eventually trickled down to other products and helped make many manufactured goods affordable.

      1. Steven Davis II

        Magpul has already stated that they likely won’t move to one location. That they would break up the company into smaller cells in multiple locations.

        Both would be welcome by the majority of South Carolinians, but I doubt we’ll see either move here.


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