Graham secures funds for deepening Charleston harbor


Now that he’s gotten that GOP primary inconvenience out of the way, he can get back to doing the job that South Carolinians send folk to Congress for:

Graham Secures Charleston Harbor Deepening Funds

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), a member of the Senate Appropriations Energy & Water subcommittee, applauded the passage of its FY 2015 appropriations bill which contains funding for the Charleston Harbor Deepening Feasibility Study and design and construction of the Charleston Port.

“This is a very good day for the Port of Charleston,” said Graham, a member of the subcommittee.  “I’m pleased my Republican and Democrat Senate colleagues understood the value of the Port of Charleston and fully funded the port even though the Corps of Engineers, as a whole, received a budget reduction.  We also added language to the bill that will streamline moving from the study phase to the engineering and design phase of this project.  I think this speaks volumes about the value of the Charleston Port to the state, region, and country as a whole.”

Graham noted the legislation contains $695,000 for continuing the Army Corps of Engineers feasibility study of deepening Charleston Harbor, $1.572 million for future harbor deepening construction, and $13.149 million for continued harbor operations and maintenance.

Graham was an early and ardent advocate for deepening Charleston Harbor and has fought repeatedly to secure federal authorization and funding for the project. The legislation passed through subcommittee yesterday and is expected to pass the full committee this week.


Not that I’m being critical of his bringing home the bacon. No Tea Partier am I. Securing funding for deepening the port upon which our state depends so greatly is a good thing.

So good work, senator…

4 thoughts on “Graham secures funds for deepening Charleston harbor

  1. Silence

    Is the sea bed under Charleston harbor made of mud, rock or sand? If yes, then it can be dredged and it is feasible to deepen the harbor. There, I just saved the United States $695,000.

  2. bud

    Does this count as an earmark? I’m confused. Not sure I understand what an earmark is exactly. If someone attaches an amendment to the defense appropriations bill to fund more Abrams tanks that would not be an earmark. But if they attached something to fund a study of the decline of honey bees that would clearly be an earmark. The harbor dredging would seem appropriate in the place where it was passed since it does involve water.

  3. Bart

    Will Haley try to take credit? If she does, shame on her since it was with her cooperation that our neighbor to the South was able to secure permission to deepen their harbor first and allow them to gain a significant head start on SC efforts.


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