We’re in trouble when a really big country is in the hands of a guy who says stuff like this

When I saw the headline, I had to ask the question:

Can you believe this? A country that until recently was one of the world’s two superpowers is now in the hands of a guy who goes around saying stuff like this?

So, OK… the Russians are saying this was quoted out of context, which means, we hope, that Putin was saying, essentially, I’m not trying to take Ukraine. If I were trying to take Ukraine, I’d take Ukraine.

But still. The problem here is that Putin is the kind of guy who does say stuff like this, with or without his shirt on. And that’s trouble for all of us…

5 thoughts on “We’re in trouble when a really big country is in the hands of a guy who says stuff like this

  1. Burl Burlingame

    Was watching someone interview Russian nitwits who drive crazy, and one of the nitwits said, “In Russia, we have important saying: Don’t be a pussy.”

    No, it wasn’t Putin. But it could have been.


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