Not a lot of news today, which is why I haven’t posted. Well, that, and I’ve had a lot of work to do.
Here are some possible topics:
- Obama and insurers now allies on health law — Because he needs them, and they’re making money from it.
- Kassig’s conversion to Islam didn’t protect him — Latest Westerner beheaded by the monsters of ISIL.
Doctor’s false Ebola test result proves tragic — When he tested negative, his friends threw off their protective gear and embraced him. But he had Ebola. He died of it today.
- Nikki Haley in India — She seems to be having a great time, except for a row over a sword. Maybe she should go back to automatic weapons.
Or whatever interests you…

The Haleys and staffers Rob Godfrey and Katherine Veldran have been having a great time with the selfies. The one on top made the front page of the Sunday Times of India.
Tomorrow night Columbia City Council is hearing and voting on a change to the zoming laws that allows private student dormitories in C-3 zoning, if there is a buffer zone of 300 feet (down from 600) plus one of an arterial street, active railroad track or commercial zoning. This is to benefit an attractive project slated for the corner of Gervais and Harden, but will apply to future projects as well.
My neighborhood likes the project, but not the zoning change. Most other in-town neighborhoods oppose the change.
I wish we could get a sensible plan for student housing, and not leave it up to market forces.
If the tallest commercial building in the city can be converted to student housing, what on earth is the issue with doing housing in C-3 zoned parcels? You couldn’t pay me enough to live at the corner of Gervais and Harden, however. That’s probably why there are three empty corners there now…
How about somebody (finally!) take out 1821-1851 Devine and 705 Laurens? That would make a nice, appropriate spot for an 8-12 story complex. Gervais and Henderson would be another area for student housing near campus – that stretch of Gervais east of Trinity Cathedral is one hurting heap of not worth a whole heck of a lot.
I support the project. Peak Campus seems like a class act.
The concern a lot of us have is when, say, a certain hotelier who owns a historic property down the street decides to throw up any kind of crap….Another issue is that the C-3 upgrade only applies to them and not all the other classes that are eligible for student housing–and how can one argue that RG-3 shouldn’t also be allowed…and then…..
I think we need to speed up the process of planning. We need to figure what is appropriate in terms of locating student housing, so we aren’t left with a bunch of failed junky apartment buildings…