Donnie Myers’ field sobriety test

So you can judge for yourself, within limits. You can’t quite tell everything that’s going on….

4 thoughts on “Donnie Myers’ field sobriety test

  1. Howard

    I’m sure he’ll have an army of his lawyer and judge buddies looking for a technicality, maybe he had a pebble in his shoe, maybe he misunderstood instructions to recite the alphabet or counting backwards. You know he was forced off the road by another vehicle. The guy is a drunk who needs to be removed from office. But he’s got too much of Danny Frazier’s ego in him.

  2. Harry Harris

    This is kind of symptomatic of what we’ve become. Deny, deny, deny then make excuses. Truth means nothing except when we can use half-truths to advance our interests. I wish they could fast-track an indictment so we don’t keep paying him while he delays and tries to wiggle out. I don’t see why a prosecutor can”t bring an indictment without the cumbersome grand jury process.

  3. Mark Stewart

    The State certainly got their editorial wrong this time.

    Donnie Myers has been twice convicted of drunk driving related charges in the last eleven years. Had he not been the prosecutor in 2012, he would have most likely (certainly in any other state) have been convicted of DUI and not an open container violation.

    Everyone knows he is not just a drunk but a danger to his community. It does not require three strikes to demand he resign from his office. We should also be asking questions as to why he was transported to lower Richland to be administered a breathalyzer test; it is again as if the cops did everything possible to give him time to sober up. I get not jailing him in Lexington (though It is laughable to think that their aren’t also people he has convicted in the Alvin S Haily detention center). Where would we be be if the long delay administering the test had resulted in a .07 reading instead?

    It is true that SC has an abysmal history of tolerating drunk driving. How is that ever going to change if we do not take a stand on a situation as clear-cut as this?


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