Open Thread for Monday, April 11, 2016

Don’t quite feel up to a VFP today, but here are some possible topics:

  1. White officer gets probation in black driver’s shooting in Edgefield — They didn’t exactly throw the book at him; they just wafted a few pages in his general direction. The black driver in question was killed. This is kind of a weird outcome. One expects that either the cop would be cleared of wrongdoing, or receive a heavy penalty. This is odd. Oh, and guess what — we still haven’t seen the video.
  2. Bible makes list of ‘most-challenged’ books — Methinks the American Library Association is trying to drum up some sympathy from conservative quarters for its concerns about efforts to “ban” books. Where did Holy Writ rate? No. 6 — Four slots below Fifty Shades of Grey and four ahead of Two Boys Kissing.
  3. The fall of Edward Lin, the Navy officer accused of espionage and hiring a prostitute — Does the second charge sound kind of anticlimactic after espionage? Like, “We may not get him on the spy charges, but he’s a sailor, so everyone will believe the second one. Let’s also charge him with jaywalking while we’re at it…”
  4. Why I’m quitting the ‘Walking Dead’ franchise — I confess I gave up on it myself a couple of seasons back. Are you still watching it? Why? And don’t give me any spoilers. I especially don’t what to know if something bad happened to Daryl…
  5. Masters winner was a Gamecock, but not from USC — I had no idea that the Jacksonville State team also called itself the “Gamecocks.” I thought our Gamecocks were unique, for good reasons. The only other thing that interested me out of the Masters was this item from The Onion: “Jordan Spieth’s Family To Wait A Few Days Before Asking Him What The F__k Happened.”



3 thoughts on “Open Thread for Monday, April 11, 2016

  1. clark surratt

    Those Gamecocks were great in football, too, this past season. Let’s play a comparative scores game for a minute. JSU put up 58 points on Charleston Southern, which easily beat the The Citadel, which beat the other Gamecocks.

  2. Karen Pearson

    1. That one sounds like a situation where there is no way to prove that the officer was not legitimately in fear for his life. I think that they did the best they can do with that one, as hinky as it sounds.

    2. Arguably various books of the Bible contain both extreme violence and instances of sexual content that could easily be deemed inappropriate for young children. However, it should certainly be available in the library. Various books of the Bible could certainly be taught as examples of various literary genres, or as part of a course in comparative religions.

    3. Sometimes I think this country is more concerned with sexual misdeeds than it is with minor crimes like murder or treason.


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