Y’all, now would be a good time to go give some platelets

I just got this from the Red Cross:


I hope all is well.  We are currently under an appeal for platelets and could use your help right away.  If you can help us with a donation, please fill free to call, email or schedule via app.

I look forward to speaking to you and we certainly “Thank you” for being a Life Savor.


Tracy B. Vaughn

Apheresis Donor Recruitment, Biomedical Services
American Red Cross
South Carolina Blood Services Region
2751 Bull Street, Columbia SC 29201
(803) 251-6082
[email protected]

You may ask, “Why don’t you go give platelets, Brad?”

To which I say, I do. All the time. I did it last week, and the week before. And I will again, soon.download (7)

As I told the lady who wrote the above message, I still have a slight amount of bruising around where one of the needles went in last time, and I’m thinking it would be better to wait until that’s faded before I go.

Maybe that’s not important. And if she writes back and tell me that, I’ll go ahead and set the appointment.

But it sure would be great if some of y’all would pitch in, too. Not everyone can give, so those who can, should.

For instance, Kathryn Fenner can’t because she spent too much time in England at a bad time. (Mad Cow Disease or something there was rampant then.) I have a gay friend who says they won’t take his blood not no way, not nohow. (I wish they’d change that, if only so he wouldn’t have that excuse any more.)

I myself had to take a year-long hiatus after visiting Kanchanaburi, Thailand, last year. But that ended in March. I’ve given several times since then.

So as I say, those of us who can, should…

One thought on “Y’all, now would be a good time to go give some platelets

  1. Brad Warthen Post author

    Anyone? (crickets) Anyone? (crickets…)

    FYI, the Red Cross informs me that this is how my most recent donation was used:

    Dear Donald,

    Thank you for being an AmericanRed Cross platelet donor. Your platelets may be a lifesaving gift to patients in need, including cancer and trauma patients, individuals undergoing major surgeries, patients with blood disorders and premature babies.

    After first ensuring local needs were met, your donation on 6/20/2016 was sent to Carolinas Hospital System in Florence, SC to help patients in need. Your donations are on their way to change lives!
    Platelets have a very short life span – only 5 days! It’s critical for us to collect platelets continuously to ensure they’re available for patients when they need them. Your ongoing donations are greatly appreciated.

    On behalf of the hospitals and patients we serve, thank you for being a Red Cross platelet donor!


    Mary O'Neill, M.D.
    Mary O’Neill, M.D.
    Chief Medical Officer
    American Red Cross

    Nice to know.

    But you know what? I’d kind of like it if one day, they’d figure out that I’m called “Brad” — or, if you’d like, “Bradley” — and not “Donald,” in keeping with the very common Southern practice of using one’s middle name.

    You’d think that we’d be close enough for them to pick up on that, after I’ve given them the equivalent of 18 gallons of my blood… over time, of course, not all at once…


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