Don’t know that acronym? It means In Case You Missed It The Way I Did.
I just got caught up on some of my email going well back into last week, and ran across this video from our new governor.
I like it. Henry is presenting himself as a governor more defined by wanting to make a difference in South Carolina, rather than by what he’s against.
… Which is nice. And I mean that as a Carl Spackler-style understatement.
Let’s Get Started, indeed. I’m looking forward to good things with Henry taking over…
ICYMITWID: “In Case You Missed It The Way I Did” source [Friday, March 2, 2012] –
Analysis… current author must be FVOIHAPL (feeling very obscure in his/her alien political landscape).
WWTTM? (What was there to miss?)
Advice: AKFTRAT.