I think I can get a cheaper mask than that

bow tie and mask

I guess I ordered a bow tie from this company at some point in the past, way back when I wore ties — back when I went downtown to the office, and stuff like that. You know, when I wore something besides cargo pants and long-sleeved T-shirts.

Anyway, they send me email so seldom that it hasn’t occurred to me to unsubscribe, so I still get emails from them.

And now they’re pushing this.

Thanks but no thanks. I can get a serviceable — and possibly more functional, in medical terms — mask than that, cheaper. I can also get a cheaper tie. I can get a better-looking cheaper tie, if I ever need to buy a tie again.

But I appreciate that you made one evoking Mardi Gras beads and all.

I wonder if anyone is surging through a crowd trying to catch beads (during the parades put on by the early krewes, the ones that do theirs in the weeks before the day)…

I hope not…

Nope. I see they’ve all been cancelled. Good idea…

2 thoughts on “I think I can get a cheaper mask than that

  1. Judy Cooper

    Brad, instead of parades, people are decorating their houses this year. So the idea is to drive down the streets and look at houses rather that stand still and have floats drive by you. I think it’s pretty clever. You should take a look at them. Some are outstanding.

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      I’ll have to take a look.

      Although the main point of Mardi Gras sounds like it’s missing. I was in junior high school at the time, so it was about catching the beads — and, more importantly, the doubloons.

      The beads were just about practice, to be warmed up and ready when someone through a doubloon…


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