Whoa! Slate needs to review its hiring and promotion policies

A person who scores 220 on the Slate News Quiz should never be designated a “winner.”

And yet that’s what Slate did this week, when I racked up that painfully humiliating result. That’s because the publication’s designated staff “ringer” only scored 191. This one even holds an “editor” title. I think maybe she was asleep or something.

Of course, I still shouldn’t have been crowned the “winner,” since the average score, we are told, was 377.

I’ve never been fond of this quiz, because I seldom do well on it. But now I’m really starting to doubt its legitimacy…

4 thoughts on “Whoa! Slate needs to review its hiring and promotion policies

  1. bud

    I got my wife to take the quiz. She gave the exact same answers for all 12 questions. Her score was a bit higher since she answered faster.

    1. Brad Warthen Post author

      And THAT is what I’ve hated about these since I started taking them — they’re timed.

      I don’t like timed tests. Hurry me, and you get a lower-quality answer…


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