Lindsey Graham, back from the campaign trail

Tweet You may already have read Andy Shain’s piece on Lindsey Graham’s press availability in Columbia yesterday. It began: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham said Friday that he quit the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination last month because he saw no clear path to the upper tier of candidates, some of whom — Donald […]

Open Thread for Monday, November 16, 2015

TweetA quick once-over of today’s news: Obama rules out Syria ground invasion in passionate defence of Isis strategy — Yeah, that’s from The Guardian, hence the British spelling. Meanwhile, Hollande vows to destroy ISIS, saying “France is at war” and “They are not out of our reach.” So remind me, because I’m getting confused: Which […]

Crazy SC GOP is throwing it all away

TweetSouth Carolinians who are not Republicans know their vote in the general election for president doesn’t count for much; our state’s electoral votes will go to the Republican. But at least, thanks to our open primaries, we all get a say in which Republican is on the ballot in November. And since 1980, South Carolina […]

SC public backs leaders’ decision to bring down Confederate flag

TweetIn case you had a creeping feeling at the back of your mind that were it not for the fact that we are, thank God, a republic instead of a direct democracy, the Confederate flag would still be flying… I offer this reassuring news: Two-thirds of South Carolinians agreed with the General Assembly’s decision in […]

‘Black Lives Matter?’ Absolutely. After that, what?

TweetThe “Black Lives Matter” movement has sort of been hovering out there, an amorphous thing that no one seems entirely comfortable with. Not Republican presidential candidates, certainly (some less than others). But not their Democratic counterparts, either. And our governor is pretty adamant in her disapproval. Conservatives are uncomfortable with it, and some liberals seem […]

It WILL take more than goodwill, Will. But goodwill is a prerequisite

TweetThere are those who refuse to participate in celebrating the spirit of unity over bringing down the Confederate flag. One of those, unfortunately, is my former colleague Will Moredock: It will take more than goodwill to heal this state After the Flag by Will Moredock “To use Gov. Nikki Haley’s words, it truly is a great […]

Black cop who helped KKK guy just doing his job

Tweet not an uncommon example of humanity in SC: Leroy Smith helps white supremacist to shelter & water as heat bears down. — Rob Godfrey (@RobGodfrey) July 18, 2015 DPS Director Leroy Smith put out this release yesterday in response to the way a picture of him helping a KKK member overcome by the […]

To see ourselves as others see us can be… disconcerting

TweetI was kind of puzzled by a piece in The Washington Post over the weekend describing the ceremony Friday taking down the flag. An excerpt: The elaborate ceremony Friday to remove the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the South Carolina statehouse threatened to overshadow the very act of removing a symbol that had […]

It’s a great day in South Carolina, and tomorrow will be even greater

TweetIt helps to make new friends at just the right moment. As I arrived at the State House a few minutes before the appointed time for Gov. Nikki Haley to sign the bill removing the Confederate flag from the grounds, I realized I should have come a lot earlier. Anyone with a brain should have […]

Thank God. Good for them. Good for us all. Finally. Finally.

TweetUPDATE: The governor will sign the bill today at 4 p.m. I understand that the flag will come down Friday morning at 10. Let us celebrate: The Confederate flag will leave the South Carolina State House grounds after five decades this week after the House overwhelmingly approved a bill to remove the Civil War icon […]

As the governor says, ‘Be kinder than necessary’

TweetNikki Haley posted this on her Facebook page this morning: Today the legislature will come back in to take up our vetoes. We will report the votes on the many pork projects that we struck and let you know how legislators voted. They will also take up the removal of the Confederate flag. We ask […]

Images from the Unity Festival at the State House

Tweet The above video gives you a small taste of what the Unity Festival at the State House was like yesterday, July 4, 2015. It was different from the urgent, earnest gathering of two weeks earlier. That one was more intensely pitched at urging our state’s leaders to take down the Confederate flag that flies on […]