Lee Bright’s Bizarro perspective on the Confederate flag

TweetThere are two measurements for how far we have so suddenly come on the Confederate flag issue. The first is on the positive side — all the people who once would have opposed removing the flag, or ignored it, coming suddenly and dramatically to the point that they are convinced along with the rest of us […]

We have ONE flag to deal with, and in SC, we know which one it is

Tweet This morning, The Washington Post ran a story headlined, “Did Republicans jump the gun on the Confederate flag?” It was prompted by a national poll that showed the public evenly split on whether the flag is a racist symbol. The premise of the story was that golly, did Nikki Haley and the rest get […]

Open Thread for Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tweet Some possible topics, and yeah, they’re mostly related: Governor issues record number of budget vetoes — Earlier, I wrote a post expressing my dismay that the governor was needlessly antagonizing lawmakers (“needlessly” in the sense of vetoing things she always gets overridden on) with the flag vote coming up. But you know what? I’m […]

Y’all go over to Facebook and give our governor some love

Tweet Phillip Bush brought it to my attention that Nikki Haley was getting some predictable criticism over on Facebook. You know, the usual stuff like: I hope you never plan on running for any other political office as I, along with many others, will never vote for you again. You caved to liberal pressure and have […]

Now it’s McConnell HIMSELF saying ‘remove the… flag’

TweetYesterday, Glenn McConnell chose to be the messenger for the College of Charleston’s board of trustees’ call for the flag to come down, rather than delegating it to a flack. Today, it’s McConnell saying it himself. This just in: Statement from College of Charleston President Glenn McConnell: I served with Senator Clementa Pinckney in the […]

Today finally IS ‘a great day in South Carolina,’ as we witness a host of miracles in the State House, of all places

Tweet Today, the state of South Carolina leaped out into uncharted territory, launching itself from the 19th century right over the troubled 20th, and into the 21st. And it wasn’t even kicking and screaming. It is, without a doubt, a miracle that today, Gov. Nikki Haley called for the Confederate flag to come off the […]

Speaker Lucas calls for ‘swift resolution’ on flag

TweetI was so excited about the reports of what Nikki Haley might do today that initially I didn’t see this: As the ever-growing chorus of South Carolina and United States citizens calling for the removal of the Confederate Flag from the State House grounds gets louder, one of the state’s top legislators has called for […]

Will SC Republicans go rogue again this year?

TweetIn January 2012, I was invited to speak to the Senate Presidents’ Forum, a national gathering of state senate leaders, in Key West. I was on a panel with several others who were there to talk about that year’s presidential politics. They had the legendary David Yepsen from Iowa, and I was the putative South Carolina […]

There is no ‘wall’ between church and state

Tweet First, I agree with Unitarian Rev. Neal Jones that if our governor is going to invite us to a day of prayer, she ought to invite everybody, and not just Christians. And in the video above from the website of the upcoming event, she does seem to invite everybody. Unfortunately, Rev. Jones received a […]

Open Thread for Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tweet Yes, I know, I’ve been a blogging slacker today. But I’ve had a lot on my mind as well as my schedule, so this catchup will have to do: Tories appear to be winning, if you believe exit polls — The Guardian appears to be taken aback, judging by the above screengrab from their […]

At long last, the House stands up to the governor on roads

TweetFinally, the House has done what it always had to do if it were to act rationally on financing road construction — raise the tax designed for that purpose, which had been kept ridiculously low: The South Carolina House passed a bill Wednesday to pay to repair the state’s crumbling roads by increasing the state’s […]

Tony Keck: The pro from Dover who turned out just to be another hired gun

TweetJust want to make sure you don’t miss Cindi Scoppe’s column today. The headline in the paper was “The anti-Medicaid argument unmasked.” It’s a bit more descriptive online: “What does it mean that SC Gov Nikki Haley’s chief anti-Medicaid lobbyist has changed his tune to match his new job?” (Which, of course, would not have […]

This way of carving up the GOP is too simplistic

TweetChris Cillizza and/or Aaron Blake of The Fix (the piece is double-bylined, but keeps saying “I”) tell about a “prominent Republican consultant” who says that Ted Cruz is the most underrated potential presidential candidate in the GOP field, and has as good a chance as Jeb Bush. Of course, he’s challenged on this, and he […]

How many more ways can this Kitzman thing get weird?

TweetOK, we already knew that Eleanor Kitzman’s main qualification for the job of DHEC director was that she’s a passionately loyal Nikki Haley supporter. And we’ve seen her be handed another job at the agency so she doesn’t have to wait around on Senate confirmation to start collecting a paycheck. (Admittedly, it’s as a mere […]

Your Virtual Front Page for Friday, January 16, 2015

Tweet Here you go, since I haven’t given you anything else to chew on today: 1. Belgium charges terror plot suspects (BBC) — This happened last night and all, but it’s huge, with raids across Belgium, France and Germany. Meanwhile, Obama and PM Cameron meet to discuss terror, and to reaffirm the “special relationship.” Presumably, POTUS didn’t […]

The absence of SC’s poet laureate from inaugural

Tweet Sorry to repeat myself, but I find this digression from a previous thread sufficiently interesting for its own post. M. Prince brought this story to my attention, asking, “Was it really a matter of too little time?” Marjory Wentworth expected to read a poem Wednesday at her fourth gubernatorial inaugural, but South Carolina’s poet […]

Je ne suis pas Charlie

Tweet Did I get that right? If not, blame Google Translate. I know next to nothing about what Scott Evil would term “Paris talk.” My point, in thus running against the current proper emotion, is that even though one might think I’d be the first to identify with the victims at Charlie Hebdo, I’d actually […]