What do you MEAN, ‘I am proud of the Confederacy?’

TweetFirst, let’s give Catherine Templeton credit for doing one right thing. Or rather, for not doing one horrible thing. It would have been truly horrible to, like Sheri Few, play to the Trumpian faction in her party by denouncing the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the State House grounds. But she didn’t do that. […]

Beasley advocates to save U.N. World Food Programme

TweetHere’s an interesting thing brought to my attention this morning by a Tweet. To backtrack a bit first, this is from Foreign Policy back in March: Former South Carolina Gov. David Beasley will be sworn in next week as the executive director of the World Food Program, placing the first Trump administration appointee at the […]

Man, that Tommy Pope’s looking better all the time

TweetFirst, Nikki Haley gave Ralph Norman money. Now there’s this: 5th District congressional candidate Ralph Norman got a big boost Thursday, winning the endorsement of former U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, R-Greenville. DeMint, the former head of the Heritage Foundation and a Tea Party icon, said Norman “has a proven record of fighting for conservative principles” […]

A Hurried Open Thread for Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tweet Not a lot of opportunities to set up the laptop and blog, since I’m on spring break with four grandchildren. Quickly, between activities, here’s an Open Thread: British spies were first to spot Trump team’s links with Russia — It’s somewhat surprising anyone in Britain’s intelligence establishment talks to The Guardian, but they managed […]

Lucas gives McMaster’s roads letter the answer it deserves

TweetHenry McMaster continues to disappoint those of us who had hoped for some leadership for a change over at the governor’s office. At least, we kept telling ourselves, he hadn’t threatened to veto the bill increasing the gas tax and reforming DOT, the way Nikki Haley would have done. Well, today he crossed that line. Then […]

What’s Henry McMaster afraid of? Mark Sanford?

Tweet Several weeks back, I was on an elevator with a Republican attorney who asked me what I though about how Henry McMaster was doing as governor. As I was mentally crafting a reply — something like I have hopes, and I see the gasoline tax issue as one that will help determine whether the hopes are justified […]

Folks, let’s pay for our roads ourselves, OK?

Tweet Good for these House members: A plan to raise S.C. gas taxes by roughly $60 a year was approved Tuesday by a panel of S.C. House members. The bill will be considered by the full S.C. House budget-writing panel on Thursday. The proposal is an effort to address the the $1 billion a year […]

And now, we have China threatening ‘a large-scale war’

TweetOr rather, we have state-controlled media doing so, which is a signal I think we have to take seriously: The US risks a “large-scale war” with China if it attempts to blockade islands in the South China Sea, Chinese state media has said, adding that if recent statements become policy when Donald Trump takes over […]

An invitation to sign a petition for safer roads

Tweet There’s this petition website I receive frequent invitations from called change.org. You may have encountered it. I think I may have signed one of their petitions for something one of my daughters was pressing for, so I keep getting the pleas to throw in with this or that cause, most of which I delete. […]

Lindsey Graham on possible Trump nominations

TweetSince I haven’t had time to write a real post today, I’ll share this from Lindsey Graham. It might prompt some discussion: Graham Statements on Possible Trump Cabinet Appointments and Supreme Court WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made these statements today about former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Ambassador to […]

Want Good Government? Set a good example: Disclose.

Tweet This is a small matter, but I felt that someone should point out what should be obvious… I got this email from a group calling itself SC Good Government Committee… No, excuse me, “sc good government committee,” e.e. cummings-style. The release basically attacked Sen. Lee Bright’s Bathroom Bill for distracting from important issues in our […]

Speaker Lucas is right to trash the Senate GOP roads plan

Tweet I understand from various sources that the Senate today is debating, and plans to vote on, the “roads plan” that I excoriated last week. Here’s hoping it’s not going well. As Cindi wrote the other day, the GOP proposal has its good parts, including real reform in governance of DOT. But it also contains an absolute […]

Mia McLeod trashes Identity Politics

TweetSometimes Rep. Mia McLeod loses me with her rhetoric. But hey, I — or some other grumpy heterosexual white guy — could have written this, from a missive she sent out Saturday: A reporter asked me whether I chose race over gender when I supported Sen. Obama over Sen. Clinton in 2008. But he didn’t […]