Our Valerie gets Thomas Ravenel onto the front of the Wall Street Journal

TweetHere’s a link to the front page story in the Wall Street Journal today about Thomas Ravenel and his troubles, written by our own Valerie Bauerlein, late of The State. I’m proud for Valerie whenever she gets a front-page byline at the WSJ, and I’m almost as proud for Thomas for being honored with one […]

Mein Kulturkampf

TweetSheesh. I post a juxtaposition of AP photos that struck me as amusing (given my belief that John Edwards is one of the phoniest faux populists ever to get his name in the papers), conveniently brushing over the ramped-up-by-24-hour-TV culture clash of the hour, and the very first commenter pounces all over it. Thus spake […]

Left, right, left, right

TweetThis started as a rejoinder in this comment thread, but it got so long I thought I’d make it a post. I was addressing one of my interlocutors, Phillip, as follows: You’re touching on one of the many reasons I don’t like the terms "liberal" and "conservative." If words mean anything, "conservative" should refer to […]