Making use of the “women are grownups” argument

TweetA couple of days back, in the midst of an argument about something else, I started griping about a piece I’d read somewhere by a feminist of the “men and women are just alike and don’t you dare say otherwise” variety (there are all sorts of feminism, and that is but one type), suggesting that […]

Geronimo, bin Laden, history and popular culture

TweetThat headline sounds like the title of a college course that might be briefly popular among those trying to fulfill a requirement in history or sociology or the like, doesn’t it? Just ran across this WashPost piece from six days ago, stepping away from emotion over the use of “Geronimo” as the name of the […]

Another middle-aged white guy heard from about Kitzman letter

Tweet And the thing is, this one is one of Eleanor Kitzman‘s bosses — House Ways and Means Chairman Dan Cooper, 50. This came in over the transom yesterday, and I suppose it’s the letter that John O’Connor (oh, and happy birthday today, John) referred to in this story. Of course, I kid about the […]

Interesting letter from Eleanor Kitzman today

TweetI don’t read the letters to the editor as closely as I used to. OK, to be perfectly honest, I hardly read them at ALL now that I’m not paid to do so, unless someone brings one to my attention. Today was an exception, though. As my eye ran over the page, something in the […]

Want diversity? Then you should have elected the white guy. Ironic, ain’t it?

TweetWell, I’ll probably get some heat for that headline, from irony-deprived people who get as put off by it as I did when I heard about the “Don’t blame me; I voted for the white guy” bumper stickers after the 2008 election. But I couldn’t resist; there’s just so much ironic goofiness inherent in the […]

By the way, sisters: “Women” didn’t go for Haley

TweetY’all know how fed up I was during the campaign with all the breathless Identity Politics hoopla, especially in the national media, over Nikki Haley being an Indian-American (gasp!) woman (oh, joy! oh, rapture!). I don’t like all that IP stuff in the best of times, but to watch the way it boosted Nikki over […]

No wonder The Washington Post dumped Newsweek

Tweet When Newsweek first put Sarah Palin (I mean, Nikki Haley — I know the difference, but the superficial, pandering twits editing Newsweek apparently don’t) on its cover, I wrote about how Vincent Sheheen faces a problem that no other candidate for governor of South Carolina had ever faced — an opponent who gets vast […]

There is nothing wrong with this cartoon

Tweet In fact, it’s quite awesome. I missed it when Robert put it out week before last, and I’m glad it’s been called to my attention now. It’s hard to imagine a more pointed evocation of exactly what’s wrong with Nikki Haley. Or one of the things wrong with her, anyway. What might be harder […]

Yeah, good luck with that, professor

TweetEnjoyed the book review in the WSJ this morning of the book “Getting it Wrong,” debunking some epic media myths: William Randolph Hearst never said, “You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war.” Orson Welles’s “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast didn’t panic America. Ed Murrow’s “See It Now” TV show didn’t destroy Sen. […]

Maybe Nikki will teach Democrats a lesson

TweetThought I’d start a separate discussion based on a subthread back on the post about Nikki Haley on the cover of Newsweek. Phillip, reaching for the bright side of the national MSM’s superficial coronation of Nikki because she’s an Indian-American woman, wrote: Maybe this is all for a larger good. Even if I disagree with […]

Why not a Mentat for the court?

TweetFolks, I’ve got nothing against Sonia Sotomayor so far. Still gathering info, in an offhand, passive sort of way. She seems to have really nice teeth. The NYT reports that her rulings “Are Exhaustive but Often Narrow.” Narrow sounds good. They say she saved Major-League Baseball. That’s good, right? But I’ve got to tell you, […]

Do you hang with people ‘like yourself’? (column version)

Tweet    Yes, you’ve read this before, if you keep up with the blog. There are some editing changes, but it’s about as close as I’ll usually come to a direct copy-and-paste from the blog to the paper. I just post it here in keeping with the theory that some folks will come here looking […]

Do YOU hang with people “like yourself?”

TweetFirst, read this lead paragraph from Robert Samuelson’s column today:     People prefer to be with people like themselves. For all the celebration of “diversity,” it’s sameness that dominates. Most people favor friendships with those who share similar backgrounds, interests and values. It makes for more shared experiences, easier conversations and more comfortable silences. […]

An endorsement indifferent to race, gender

TweetFolks who have read me over the years know that I am somewhat turned off by Identity Politics — all that "MY race," "MY gender" stuff. That’s one reason why I like a guy like Barack Obama, whose appeal transcends skin color. I am even more pleased that his supporters get it, chanting "Race Doesn’t […]