Haley opts for federal control of SC exchange

TweetOK, it’s official: COLUMBIA, S.C. — Gov. Nikki Haley told the federal government Thursday that South Carolina won’t set up a state health exchange, saying President Barack Obama’s re-election did not change her stance… Under the law, states that can’t or won’t set up exchanges will have theirs run by Washington… The attitude behind this […]

Haley promises government will take care of you (or at least your credit) for the rest of your life

TweetWe now have an answer to the question of what happens after the year of free credit protection the Haley administration is offering to those compromised by the massive Department of Revenue data breach: COLUMBIA, SC — South Carolina taxpayers and their children who were victims of a massive data breach at the Department of […]

Looks like Nikki will stay away from SC even more

TweetThis is bound to create mixed feelings in people who care about South Carolina: Gov. Nikki Haley will balance her time between governing South Carolina and stumping for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney over the next two months. Haley’s target audience? Women voters, a critical voting bloc for Romney because of polls that show women […]

Democrats ask Nikki to come home soon, please

TweetAlleging that she is now entering her third week of absence from the state for political purposes, Reps. James Smith and Mia Butler Garrick, both Richland County Democrats, stood outside Nikki Haley’s office this afternoon and asked her to return and do the job she was ostensibly elected to do. Among the points the two […]

National media starting to get a clue about Haley

TweetI wasn’t familiar with Newsday columnist Lane Filler. Maybe The State runs him all the time, and I never noticed before. But when my friends there ran him yesterday, I found a good reason why in the 7th graf: And Romney dodged the splashy picks that could have backfired like a 1986 Yugo: South Carolina […]

Haley suspended mayor who allegedly hired son

TweetCatching up with e-mail (my inbox is down to 296!), I came across one from several days back, from one of a number of readers who remain puzzled as to why The State still hasn’t published Gina Smith’s now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t story about Nikki Haley’s daughter getting a job working for an agency she supervises. I wonder […]

Does Nikki maintain her Facebook page herself? I suspect so…

TweetSomeone speculated earlier that Nikki Haley doesn’t maintain her Facebook page herself. I suspect that she does. Or at least that some of the posts, or status updates, or whatever you want to call them (I’m a Twitter man, and get impatient with Facebook) are written by her personally. They are so emotional. And they […]

Nikki, you just keep right on Facebookin’…

Tweet At one point in the midst of his reporting on the Senate’s override of most of the governor’s vetoes, Adam Beam Tweeted this: Sen. Joel Lourie tells ‪#scgov‬ @NikkiHaley to “stay off Facebook.” He was referring to this post: http://on.fb.me/Q4QnOg So I followed the link, to where the gov posted, veto of SC Coalition of Domestic […]

Panel clears Haley, again, of corruption charges

TweetThis just in: Gov. Nikki Haley did not use her office for personal gain while serving as a representative from Lexington County, the S.C. House Ethics Committee ruled Friday. The committee weighed seven allegations against Haley that included illegally lobbying for her employers and using her office to pressure lobbyists and their clients for donations […]

Nikki to Mitt: Think “Indian-American.” Then think, “minority female.” Got that?

TweetDid y’all see this story yesterday? Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney may not yet know who will be his vice presidential pick, but S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley has some ideas for him. “There are amazing candidates for VP and (I) believe whoever Gov. Romney chooses will be part of a dream team. My preference would […]

Abracadabra: Panel votes 6-0 to reopen Haley ethics probe

TweetNow get this: Columbia, SC (WLTX) – The South Carolina House Ethics Committee voted unanimously to reconsider an ethics case against Gov. Nikki Haley. “Hopefully it’ll be a fair and impartial review of facts and the testimony of witnesses so that we can determine, better determine, and be informed about the allegations against the Governor,” said Kershaw […]

Arguments heard in Haley ‘corruption lawsuit’

TweetIf you didn’t read the Free Times last week, you may have missed this: Judge Hears Nikki Haley Corruption Lawsuit by Corey Hutchins, March 16th 02:53pm A judge heard oral arguments on March 12 in a public corruption lawsuit brought on behalf of a prominent GOP fundraiser against Republican Gov. Nikki Haley. Fifth Circuit Judge Casey Manning […]

That’s all right, just as long as Nikki is enjoying herself

TweetAnd she is. She is having a high old time stumping for Mitt Romney. That’s because there are national news TV cameras on him all the time. And when she’s on the podium with him, guess what — she’s on national TV, too! Which is the end-all and be-all for her. So let’s be happy […]

Haley & Loftis agree on ONE thing: Romney

TweetMaybe Mitt Romney is a uniter after all, if he can get Nikki Haley and Curtis Loftis on the same team: Friends, This week I was honored to speak before several grassroots organizations, including groups like the Greenville Tea Party and the Lexington County GOP.  These folks took time out of their evenings to gather because they care […]

Occupy Columbia says “Haley lies”

TweetThis just came out a few minutes ago: VIDEO: Gov. Haley lies about inviting Occupy Columbia to make a public statement The video above shows Governor Nikki Haley falsely claiming that Occupy Columbia had been invited to make a public statement at a Budget and Control Board meeting, in which they proposed new regulations aimed […]

Haley’s for Romney: So does that mean Gingrich has sewn up SC now?

TweetI suppose you’ve seen this news: Haley endorses Romney By ADAM BEAM and GINA SMITH – abeam@thestate.com, gnsmith@thestate.com Gov. Nikki Haley has endorsed Mitt Romney for president and will campaign with him in Greenville today and Myrtle Beach and Charleston tomorrow. “He is a conservative businessman who has spent his life working in the economy, […]

Today’s news haiku: Nikki’s poll numbers

TweetNikki Haley is now less popular in South Carolina than Barack Obama: South Carolinians have soured on Nikki Haley, turning the relatively new governor from a national Tea Party favorite into a chief executive struggling to maintain support among members of her own party, the latest Winthrop University poll shows. Only 34.6 percent of those […]

Entire DHEC board elected by Haley

TweetOK, here’s a piece of the puzzle that was missing for me when I read Vincent Sheheen’s release demanding that the whole DHEC board resign for having approved a permit for Georgia… The whole board was appointed by Nikki Haley: Chairman and Member-at-large — Allen Amsler 1st District — Mark Lutz 2nd District — Robert […]