It SHOULD go without saying…

You expect to have to teach a deputy certain things to make sure he does his job right. You need to teach him about Miranda rights, proper use of a firearm, search and seizure procedures and where the best doughnuts are found in various parts of the county.

If he’s a Yankee, you might even expect to have to teach him some simple phrases to help him communicate with regular folks, such as, "You in a heap o’ trouble, boy!"

But one thing you would think you wouldn’t have to tell him: Don’t ever, EVER shoot the sheriff’s dog.

Even Andy might have fired Barney (click on "Barneyisms") for exercising such "poor judgment." At the very least, he would have confiscated his bullet for an indefinite period. And it probably would have taken Opie a full half-hour episode to get over the trauma.

5 thoughts on “It SHOULD go without saying…

  1. Susan Quinn

    I can hear the defense now! “I shot the Shepherd, but I swear it was in self-defense!”
    [I couldn’t resist!]

  2. The Kid

    Ooooh! Great!
    How about “..was inside da fence”?
    My kids are at the age where I think my wife and I will take off these weekend and ask the department for a property check. We will take the dog with us.

  3. Bob Ford

    Remember, deputies (in South Carolina) work “at the pleasure” of the sheriff.
    Bob Ford

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