I am not a conservative, either. But I haven’t been accused of that in writing — today. Just watch, though; I’ll be maligned for that momentarily, I’m sure. Doubt it not. Speaking of which, where IS Mary Rosh?
This latest response is prompted by the libelous rantings of fellow blogger Bob McAlister.
I responded to him thusly:
I looked like that because I knew that from that day forward, I’d have to get up and shave
every morning.
In truth, I smiled a LOT more back when I had a beard than I do now.
See the proof here.
If I’m a liberal, Richard Nixon was a liberal. Which he wasn’t. He was a crook, though.
Brad, you are a cultural conservative and a philosophic liberal at the same time. By the way, what happened to Mike C. as I see he periodically blogs on his own site? I hope Mary didn’t run him off. She is out there lurking, waiting for the place to take her shot. It won’t be long.
Speaking of taking a shot, wouldn’t it be fantastic if the Iraq government would mandate concealed carry for every single citizen out in public? How many more busses of 50 armed transport workers or college kids would be stopped and the occupants summarily executed? I suspect the terrorists would not be so brave. Where is the second amendment in Iraq when they need it so much? Where is common sense for that matter?
Dave, actually the US forces have allowed every household to own a few firearms, personal things like AK-47s and handguns.
There have been more and more instances of citizens shooting terrorists. The press here doesn’t report it, or reports these dead bad guys lumped in with the innocent victims of terrorism, sort of the same way they misreport dead gang members as “children killed by gun violence”.
Lee, I will check but I believe they are not allowed to have their weapons in public or out of their homes. So the public is totally disarmed for all intents and purposes. Back later.
Dave, I have seen Iraqis using personal weapons on TV news clips and friends in the service over there confirm that all the shopkeepers try to stay armed.
A series of articles in the San Francisco Examiner of September 2003, trying to paint a negative picture of Iraq, whined about the Iraqi police having to use their personal weapons. This is from a city where the honest people were disarmed by Mayor Diane Feinstein, who only issued one handgun permit, to herself.
What about Brad being a liberal?
With the “Conservatives” in control of the Presidency, House and Senate, we have been spending money like there is no tomorrow.
Liberal, Conservative – the only difference in those two is the spelling of the words.
Then what choice is left?
If there were a leftist party in America, perhaps they would be an option. Instead it’s center right and far right, meaning the choice is all fabrication.
Actually, a party – or movement – OF THE PEOPLE would be better.
Don’t we have a leftist party? Aren’t they called Democrats?
Hitler dismissed his opposition as leftists. McCarthy did too. You are in good company.
Hitler didn’t dismiss his opposition at all.
He argued for his form of national socialism against international socialism.
Dismissing is what modern liberals attempt do, because you cannot defend your position. They implement their agenda by stealth and fraud.
Liberals are evil. They implement their agenda by stealth and fraud (even though we control the White house and congress…) while we overtly channel lobbyist money into the coffers of those that bend to our will and pass it off as representation of our native indian constituents.
They all fire bomb Escalades because they can’t afford them like the right wing wealthy can. Then they pretend it’s out of concern for the environment.
They want tax payers to shell out millions for entitlement programs like giving food to the poor when us hard working God fearing patriots protect tax payers and Big Oil.
If they were in charge we’d be spending our government into historical debt and letting our grandkids pay for it all. They’d have government interferring in our lives like pushing constitutional amendments and creating special laws for individuals in Florida.
Thank God for Pat Robertson and the GOP…well the ones who aren’t kowtowing to the liberal media and committing treacherous acts like compromise.
Who is “dismissing” Democrats other than themselves? GO BILBRAY!! Can you believe it?
The “right wing” of politics in this country is Republicans (some of them), and the “left wing” (leftists) is Democrats (some of them).
Liberals, conservatives, republicans, democrats. I’m agin’ ’em all.
The Pat Robertson post with my name is more spam by [email protected] who is posing as other posters here.
Brad needs to fix his blog software to keep out the saboteurs.
That wasn’t you Lee? LOL, couldn’t tell the difference.
Do you need me to write out that algebra equation for you to solve, for how many years it will take for education spending to consume 100% of our incomes?
Lee: Yes Lee, let’s see you do some algebra. Show us how we’ll be spending every dollar on education.
Do you understand the concept of taxes increasing at a rate faster than incomes?
I don’t want to get into derivatives and lose you. Just answer and we’ll proceed. If think you know any facts about those rates, we’ll use them for the lesson.
Not only will we be spending all of our money on eduation, we’ll be borrowing money to pay for social security for all those illegal aliens. We won’t have money to donate to Delay’s PACs or to buy Ann Coulter’s next book, Compassionate Conservatism: Conserving Compassion for Those That Pay for It.
Ted, why don’t you post under your own name?
We know why. You are a brownshirt, trying drive out those who criticize the demise of society. We have seen your goon types since college.
A conservative is never wrong, a liberal is never right, and a moderate dosn’t know the difference.
Just thought I would pop in from Sunny’s blog and set things straight.