A state of one

At first, I thought Tommy Moore was expressing a difference of opinion between himself and John Edwards. But then, I find that Mr. Edwards apparently doesn’t go around talking about "Two Americas" any more, but approaches the same theme from a different, more positive, more forward-looking angle. Well, good for him. Good for both of them, I suppose. I never liked Mr. Edwards’ former shtick.

Yes, we write frequently about the "Two South Carolinas," but we define that term very differently. We talk about the profound economic differences that exist between urban and rural, black and white, I-85 vs. I-95, and so forth. Most folks do fine in our state, but we are held back as a people by the large swathes of poverty. Our goal in using such rhetoric — and we’ll be doing so again Sunday — is to get the affluent interested in policies that will help the less fortunate.

When John Edwards talked about "Two Americas" in the 2004 campaign, he meant a few super-rich folks (such as himself) on one side, and the vast majority of Americans on the other. It was about stirring up the resentment of the middle class, and getting it to vote for him. Very different idea, leading to a very different intended result.

51 thoughts on “A state of one

  1. Lee

    The solutions to poverty in South Carolina are unacceptable to those who consider themselves to be “liberal”, “progressive” and “tolerant”.
    * Stopping the influx of low-skilled, illiterate workers from Latin America, beginning with the illegal ones.
    * A moral campaign by black leaders against welfare, against having children out of wedlock, and against the entire hip-hop counter-culture.
    * The schools have to start resume teaching character, home economics and trade skills like the used to do. The churches and volunteer groups need to do the same, as we cannot wait on public education. Rates of out-of-wedlock births need to be pushed down from 70% to below 5%.
    * Income taxes need to be abolished in a very short phase-out, lopping off 1 percent a year from each bracket until they are gone.
    * Property taxes need to be abolished.
    * Foreign skilled workers and students on visas need to be greatly reduced.
    * College costs need to be brought under control so students can afford more education.
    * Congress needs to stop the export of lower-level manufacturing jobs, which they do now by subsidizing foreign investment.

  2. bud

    Lee you really do live in fantasy land. On the one hand you want to: bring college costs under control, teach all sorts of new stuff in schools, reduce out-of-wedlock births, increase maintainence activities on the highways. All these things cost money. Of course these are only STATE spending priorities. Your continued support of imperialist ambitions abroad also costs buckets of money.
    On the other hand you want to phase out both income and property taxes. These two sets of goals are at odds with each other.
    Here’s my plan:
    * Increase income taxes on the very wealthy.
    * Eliminate the $300 maximum car sales tax.
    * Eliminate almost all state government travel. Most trips are a waste of taxpayers money.
    * Bring back video poker and tax it.
    * Reduce the executive payrolls of most government agencies.
    * Increase gas and cigarette taxes.
    These revenue enhancements would allow us to fund the following:
    * Fully funded state health care.
    * College tuition grants.
    * Birth Control for anyone who wants it.
    * Additional police to help reduce crime and traffic crashes.
    * Help out the state’s retirement system for state workers.
    * Increased maintenance for SC roads.
    I have my spending priorities but I also recognize a need to fund them.

  3. Chris

    You program is the very definition of a liberal, bloated government. I think I will pass on that plan…failure is something we already have in abundance. To spend more for what we already have is silly.

  4. Randy Ewart

    Story came out yesterday about a ton of economist and 5 Nobel winners prescribing an increase in the minimum wage. They address and shoot down the big business scare tactic that it will hurt the economy. They said the majority of those who would benefit are single parents, mostly women.
    As I posted before, at the current minimum wage a full time working American would take home around $900/month. FULL TIME worker will scrape by if they’re single let alone have kids.
    Also, there’s the notion that anyone can pull themselves up by the bootstraps if they try hard enough – not true. Someone has to clean the hotel rooms, prepare fast food, etc. There’s a carrying capacity for the bootstraps escape.

  5. Lee

    bud typlifies the mental laziness of liberalism – tax everyone else, and put no restraints on the handouts, no accountability for results, no punishment for failure. It sounds like the “plan” of a 10-year-old girl.

  6. Lee

    Why not raise the minimum wage to $35.00 an hour, if it has no effect on business decisions?
    Unions and others like the minimum wage because it makes low-skilled workers too expensive to hire and train. It is a way to knock the bottom rungs off the economic ladder for the semi-literates discarded by public education.
    Most legitimate businesses already pay more than the minimum wage, so it is irrelevant. Fast food chains start workers at $6.80 to $9.00 an hour in Columbia.
    Those using illegal alien labor don’t care about the minimum wage, because they function outside regulation, in a $1 TRILLION underground economy that avoids paying enough taxes to balance the budget.

  7. Mark Whittington

    No Brad,
    Edwards’ “Two Americas” campaign wasn’t about stirring middle class resentment against the super wealthy for votes. Rather, Edwards’ brilliant, yet eloquent speech was an acknowledgement of the main problem facing the US today-egregious wealth inequality and its consequences. While you were running successive pro war Friedman pieces, Edwards was delivering some of the best rhetorical orations in modern times-and as always-you missed it. You never get what’s important because you’re beholden to the Chamber of Commerce (as was your last boss) so as to convolute your judgment. Since serious political change is on the horizon, isn’t it a shame that positive reforms are coming in spite of your efforts rather than as a consequence of your influence?
    Edwards was never able to overcome the corporate media pundits who control most newspapers and television news, but he did leave a wonderful verbal legacy for the future. He has always advocated a positive “One America” message-a salient point I think you would do well to comprehend now that apparently you are coming out of the neo-con fog. Edwards hasn’t changed one iota-you have only recently comprehended what he was saying all along. A belated understanding, yes-but better late than never, I say.

  8. Bryan

    I have owned a business for 25 years, and I can tell u that in today economic climate $10.00 and hour gets u an idiot with a dubious driving license. $12.00 gets u the same idiot, but with a better license.
    The wage paid has nothing to do with lifting a person out of poverty. A basic skill set (ability to read, write, relate to others, etc) is second…first is character (ability to be sober, not beat your girlfriend, stay out of jail, tell the truth, be respectful,etc)…and that is almost impossible to find at the lower wage level.
    The bottom line in SC is that we have a subculture of poverty that refuses to change its ways…and government spending in not likely to have an affect on it. You draft a good plan, and I will be all over it…but any meaningful plan will be met with cries of racism, classism or nativism.

  9. Dave

    Bryan, your common sense is appreciated. Teaching students to be honest, fear God, live by the Ten Commandments, etc. has been made illegal by our liberal leftists in America. Once the conservative religious get control of the country again, we can restore civility in America. Not just with students either, but with all adults and all families. Most of the multi-cultural pornagraphic rubbish shown on tv, movies,and in music must be removed. Until God is brought back into America, abortion is outlawed, and crime is punished, not counseled, we will stay on this same path. Many people are praying for the changes we need so it will happen. Its just a matter of when.

  10. Dave

    Mark, Democratic Senator Minority Leader Harry Reid pocketed $700,000 in profits that he hid from Senate disclosure forms and from his tax returns in a scam deal. Now he is offering to “make a technical correction on backdated forms”. If any of us cheat on our taxes, from back in 2001, and are caught, do you think the IRS lets you say, Aw shucks, it was a minor oversight, I will correct it. NO, you pay penalties on the minor oversight. The Dem leadership corruption is at the core of what is wrong with our government. And then Edwards, it is widely known that he averted paying hundreds of thousands of dollars from his legal case settlements by using a wealthy tax dodge. He claimed the money as dividends instead of normal pay and profit. Quite clever for the wealthy man who is so worried about all the little people. These two are pukers.

  11. Randy Ewart

    Dave, how terribly biased and partisan your posts have become. You call out two democrats but IGNORE all those republicans for the same or worse offenses. I condemn ALL malcontents who betray our trust. Reid is a dirt bag.
    You throw in a comment about teaching our kids about honesty, God, Commandments, then you pull out all stops to defend Mark Foley. You have yet to condemn him.
    Talk about having and eating your cake.
    Also, poverty and the poor are referenced more than any other subject in the bible. How does your POLITICAL view on this subject align with your FAITH view?

  12. Lee

    The subject is the two-faced tax avoidance of John Edwards, not everybody else in the world.
    Didn’t your teachers tell you not to use the excuse that “so-and-so did it, too” ?

  13. Randy Ewart

    Bryan, what tremendous powers of inductive reasoning you possess. You are able to characterize ALL lower income workers based on your personal experience. You should write a book with Ann Coulter.
    Your suggestion that every low income worker is an “idiot” who is “lazy, can’t read, beats his girlfriend etc.” is a pathetic and lazy oversimplification and you should be ashamed. (Dave’s faith should make him ashamed to have agreed with you, but he apparently puts party over faith and country).
    The most asinine statement of all is your suggestion “the wage paid has nothing to do with lifting a person out of poverty.” That is like suggesting “how much an obese person weighs has nothing to do with their obesity.” It’s simple Limbaugh schtick.
    And don’t bother to paint me a tax and spend liberal as is the cheap and lazy normal reply. I agree with Tony Blair’s belief of “making responsibility and opportunity meet” and I have conservative beliefs as well.

  14. bud

    Let’s move on from the partisan bickering. In response to Lee’s list of ideas, I’ve laid out what I think are a few good proposals to help make the state better. Lee is partially correct about children out of wedlock as he calls it. But he offers no solution. Mine is simple, provide birth control free to anyone who wants it. No questions asked. Lee also suggests that college should be affordable. I say bring back video poker to help augment the lottery money. Also, we’ve discussed the need for improving highway maintenance. The best way to do that is to raise the gasoline tax a bit. This is just a proposal to pay as you go. If you really think about it a plan for funding government services that everyone agrees are needed is pretty conservative. It’s borrowing ever larger sums of money that is radical.

  15. Lee

    Bryan used 25 years of hiring experience to make some astute DEDUCTIVE observations about the problems with workers in lower-skilled jobs.
    As he predicted, he was “met with cries of racism, classism or nativism”.
    I hope he won’t allow the stink put up by blog bullies to stop him from contributing more to the discussion.

  16. Lee

    bud has the only 2 ideas liberals always have – handouts and tax increases.
    Illegitimacy is a moral problem, not a medical one. Birth control pills are free now. It is not surprising that people who are morally irresponsible are also too irresponsible to use birth control.
    Making college more affordable means lowering its price. That means bringing it in line with the economy and wages of families. Real wages have not increased in 25 years, while college prices and faculty wages have more than doubled.
    The solution to highway costs is to stop building any more new roads. Myrtle Beach ran out of sewer capacity in the mid 1980s, and pollution has worsened every year, yet we are spending huge sums on roads to bring more people there. That is dumb.

  17. Wally

    I have managed business for corporations, AND I have had my own business as well. I normally did all hiring. Unlike Bryan, I never hired idiots. Maybe my interviewing skills helped me avoid hiring those that weren’t qualified. Overall, I had great employees, a few crafty ones but in general good workers. I rewarded good work with decent pay raises, not the meager 35 cent average.

  18. Lee

    Wally, you may be a vastly different business that Bryan. A lot of businesses don’t hire anyone but those with college degrees, but most hire manual labor.
    The fact is that half of all SC students leave high school too illiterate to read instructions or be trained. What few jobs they could do are being outsourced to Red China or siphoned off into the underground economy of illegal aliens.

  19. bill

    There are actually Twenty Commandents. Archaeologists recently found the stone tablets and there were ten more written on the back of the slabs!Mel Gibson bought them and is working on a new movie:The Ten Commandments Part II.

  20. Dave

    Bill, if there are 10 more things we aren’t allowed to do, we may all have to become priests or nuns. I wonder if the Jews marked up the price just for Mel.. hahahahha

  21. Mary Rosh

    Dave, Reid set up an LLC whose sole purpose was to hold the land, and transferred the land to it. Its sole asset was the land. He disclosed his ownership of the land at all times.
    Edwards’s “violation” is of a “rule” that YOU made up. If you’re really concerned about tax avoidance, why don’t you make an additional contribution to the federal treasury so that the taxes you pay balance out the handouts you receive?

  22. Capital A

    I wonder if the Jews marked up the price just for Mel.. hahahahha
    Posted by: Dave | Oct 13, 2006 10:05:44 AM
    I see someone didn’t learn a thing from Mel Gibson’s personal troubles. Platinum irony.

  23. bryan

    RE: My comments about “idiots”.
    1. I neglected to say we don’t hire those people at $12.00…we start pay at $15.00 per hour for service type work (high school degree and acceptable DL). We pay at least $5.00 more than my competition…and it comes out of my profit. But it is my choice.
    2. I have had about 1000 employees in my life, so I think I have an idea of what is going
    on in the work force.
    3. If you pay an “idiot” anymore than it takes for him to live…he drinks and drugs his way to trouble. This is a sad fact, and is a fact I deplore….but it is a fact.
    Most high school graduates do not know the basic of personal grooming, etiquette, nor do they have any experience in developing RESPECTFUL interpersonal relationships. They do not respect a schedule, and seemingly can not get out of bed without assistance.
    It is all failure of morals and ethics (let’s leave religion out of this for now). If a man has no foundation, I certainly can’t teach them. So until the leaders of those communities take the difficult task to stand up and work for these goals…no amount of money spent by the govt will make a difference.
    PS…remember when Jessie Jackson used to fight AGAINST premarital pregnancies and drugs and the hip hop culture. Now, he is largely silent…as the money is on the other side of those issues. We need strong men of character that are uninterested in politics…but they are almost non-existent.

  24. Chris W

    A constructive suggestion for Brad and the State Newspaper:
    Brad, wanna raise a large number of people out of the low income “rut”? I can’t do it…no one I know can do it…but you and your paper can.
    Many youngsters get into trouble with their drivers license. There are MANY ways to do this, and most do not involve actually operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner.
    One example: A 17 year old gets caught with a beer in his hand while he is in Myrtle Beach and his car is in his moms garage in Cola…his license is suspended. He lives through it…goes to midlands tech, graduates, and at 22 he applies for a job paying $15.00 per hour that requires him to drive for a company. The insurance company requires the state to provide a 3 years drivers record. But the state does not give a 3 year…only a 1, 5 and 10…so the suspended status now will make the guy ineligible for employment. Instead of $15 per hour, he ends up working at McDonalds, at $6.50 per.
    Moreover…there are a zillion kids that have found themselves in situation where there license was suspended because of failure to pay a small traffic ticket, or and tax/registration problem…or any number of other reasons. The bottom line is that over these often trivial issues (trivial in the grand scheme of things)…many many good kids can’t get meaningful work, and therefore fall into the category of “not getting out of the neighborhood”.
    I understand these laws all have their place. I understand we do not want to live in a land where law is not important. But I promise you this…there is a tremendous number of under 25’s that are barred from meaningful work because of these laws, and the cost to them, and to society, in incalculable.
    We should have an amnesty day…for offenses that do not actually pertain to the safe operation of a vehicle. Charge a fee, make them do community service, hell…spank them on the statehouse steps…but we must allow these people a chance.
    This post is too long, and hastily written as I am pressed for time. But let me leave this one thought. Last week, a 21 year old black man, smart, handsome, eager…failed to get a high wage job and full benefits from me because when he was 17 he did not pay a ticket for driving a car without the registration in his possession. He did not have the money to pay the fine. His mom did not have a checking account. His dad has not been seen since the applicant was 3. This young man works now works at Block Bluster…stop in and see him. I suggest u see him soon, as no doubt, the lure of hood is significant. And he can’t have a meaningful life on $6.60 per hour.
    An amnesty cost the state nothing and in fact could generate revenue…and of course high wage jobs create an individual that pays taxes, and has a stake in society

  25. Dave

    Chris W. – good thinking out of the box.. We need more of that in SC. Further, how many small towns are raking in huge bucks with day in day out speed traps? The AAA discloses which ones do that periodically. How many people get a ticket for going 37 in a 35 zone? Too many.

  26. Frank

    So basically, stirring up middle class resentment is a lot worse than stirring up lower class resentment, because you intend to abash a larger percentage of the population.
    “The fact is that half of all SC students leave high school too illiterate to read instructions or be trained. What few jobs they could do are being outsourced to Red China or siphoned off into the underground economy of illegal aliens.”
    Oh good Lord.

  27. Randy Ewart

    We need strong men of character that are uninterested in politics…but they are almost non-existent. – Bryan
    *Arthur Ashe
    *Pope John Paul
    *Mother Teresa
    Billy Graham (and Franklin)
    Pat Tillman
    Colin Powell
    Angelina Jolie
    Desmund Tutu
    Nelson Mandela
    *Jimmy Carter takes strong political stances, but his work through the Carter Center has been tremendous.
    *My personal heroes

  28. Bryan

    1…I notice no one in South Carolina, which makes my point.
    2… You left out Alex Baldwin.

  29. Lee

    Good Lord… no one can dispute these facts:
    “The fact is that half of all SC students leave high school too illiterate to read instructions or be trained. What few jobs they could do are being outsourced to Red China or siphoned off into the underground economy of illegal aliens.”

  30. Dave

    Randy, people who accumulate so much money that they cannot spend it in their own lifetimes tend to gravitate to their “causes” of choice. These causes are perhaps their way of not being the camel that cannot get through the eye of the needle. For the most part, you can’t fault them for that. However, a lot of this is the work of PR firms hired to generate a favorable image. Jolie, for example, has been whoring around for years with stage hands and lot boys. She broke up, via adultery, the Pitt-Aniston marriage. Only after that did she become the cause celebre for African affairs etc. Pretty phony really. Bono, an advocate of environmentalism and ecological preservation, burns tons of jet fuel flitting around the world to his concerts, owns a number of huge mansions in different countries (all kept warm and cozy waiting for him to spend a few days there at times). Because this guy is a crooner who can play a guitar doesnt make him a hero.

    The heroes to me are the soldiers protecting our freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan, men and women who don’t play guitars or put their newborn babies on display for money, but instead serve for low pay, risk their lives for freedom, and sacrifice their own time, their familie’s time, and put their careers on hold to serve. Tillman would be in that category but even with Tillman we learned that he had planned to come back and run for office to make a difference. I think that was a great plan and in the end we need people who are interested in politics and have passion about leading our government.

  31. Bryan

    RE: Giving by elites. stars, other famous people….
    I have studies this issue carefully, and I can not tell you how little these “elites” give of their own money and recourses. From Jolie to Oprah, to Sharon Stone , they jet around on someone else’s jet, give away someone else’s cars, and money humanitarian goods and in turn their own coffers are lined as they are projected into the stratosphere of mega-stardom. The press refuses to place a critical eye on this. But the travesty continues.
    People like Oprah, worth a billion dollars, could give away hundreds of millions of dollars and never know it. But instead she cries and talks, and then sticks someone else with the bill. The hypocrisy of this is astounding.
    There are some positive examples of giving…Bill and Melinda Gates being a prime example. But make no mistake about it, the class of people that comprise “stars” are the worst human beings on the planet.
    “King of Cons” is a great book on the subject. (Con may be spelled with a “K”)

  32. Randy Ewart

    Dave, you seem to view the bible as a cafeteria-esque selection of values.
    “Jolie whoring around” is a violation of the conservative right’s self-proclaimed complete list of family values and morality. Yes, premarital sex is not what Jesus would want, but how many republicans have done the same? Do you call them whores as well? Is she defined by only that issue because you deem it to be the most important?
    She gives half her income away and adopts children to make a difference. Clearly, this is what Jesus would want. He talks more about poverty than anything else in the bible. Are you giving half your income away? How many kids have you adopted?
    Bono is rich. Jesus doesn’t condemn rich people. He condemns greed. Answer this Dave. At what point is someone too rich? If you are not rich, are you exempt from your own standards? Have you gone out to dinner in the past few weeks? If so, couldn’t that money have been given to the poor? Are you taking mass transit to work to save gas or is that a standard for only rich people?
    I’m sure you’ll explain how you go to church and tithe or give money to some charity and volunteer time. Are you perfect? God’s grace is wasted on you because you don’t need it?

  33. Dave

    Randy, all humans sin, let’s get that straight. What I am cynical about are those humans who sin and then hire a PR firm to paint a seemingly virtuous and God like existence. I am sure Jolie has some very nice traits (she is hot we can agree on that) but her, Madonna, and many of the paparazzi target class don’t live the life their PR agents project. By the way, Jolie birthed a child, Madonna is the adopter. If you haven’t heard, the Material girl went to Malawi and paid off government officials to swoop in and adopt a child. Their law is you have to live in Malawi for 18 months before you are eligible to adopt a child. Money talks in Malawi too. I understand that Pitt and Jolie, like Johnny Depp, are really America haters, but they like to make American money. The gullible facilitate that process. As for Republicans and do I hold them to standards, you better believe it. In fact, the GOP has unquestionably higher standards than the opposition. Can you name a GOPer who is serving still who came anything close to doing what Teddy Kennedy did, or Barney Frank, as two examples. Go ahead, name one.

  34. Randy Ewart

    You admit we’re all sinners, but you seem to take issue with only those you and your party have deemed to be serious sinners. You call Jolie a “whore”, but your first post about Foley was “he did the honorable thing and resigned”. He is under criminal investigation and betrayed his office. She has done nothing illegal.
    You have also referred to liberals and the left as immoral. (Jimmy Carter is immoral?) You seem to put faith in party and not Peter and Paul.
    Your defense of your support of Foley is to bring up democrats? What he and numerous republicans are doing is ok with you because you can name some democrat malcontents? Is that how your faith works – immorality in your party is justified because you think some in the other party are worse?
    You have yet to condemn a single republican. Again, I see this as putting party first and country and faith second.

  35. Dave

    Randy, you are beginning to convince me that you are a mental midget, but for now I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Foley absolutely did the honorable action by owning up to what he did and resigning. Compare that to the weak character of Billy Boy Clinton – “I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewsinsky” while angrily pointing his finger in America’s face. Foley could have said, someone hacked my computer identity and set me up. After all, we have people on this blog who have used Lee’s identity. It does happen. Then Foley could have gotten a team of lawyers like Bob Bennett and DAvid Boies to drag out his accusations for years. He would then be like Jefferson, still serving and still voting. You have no conception of doing the honorable action. And yes, compare the GOP to the Democrats. The GOP leadership said Out Damn Spot immediately. In contrast, what Democrat has questioned the unethical dealings of Harry Reid. Let alone Gerry Studds. Don’t be stuck on stupid about the differences in the two parties. And finally, Jimmy Carter is pro-abortion which I think is an immoral position but even more so this has been windbag is plain old dumb, and given his past credentials he is dangerously dumb to our nation.

  36. bud

    Dave, Foley GOT CAUGHT. He owned up to nothing. Hastert and company apparently covered for him. Nothing honorable here. Nothing. The current congress, controlled by the GOP, is about as corrupt as any I can remember. Not one but TWO major scandals, both of which are entirely Republican affairs.

  37. bud

    I must say this is about the funniest thing I’ve ever witnessed. Watching the defenders of this scandal ridden, GOP controlled congress trying to make this sorry bunch out to be the defenders of high ethical standards. It’s really astoundingly funny.

  38. Lee

    It’s pathetic watching Democrats lie about Republicans “protecting Foley”, when they actually dumped him immediately.
    Their closets are still full of perverts and rapists, and they continue to support legalizing child molestation as NAMBLA wants.

  39. Randy Ewart

    Calling me a “mental midget” and “stupid” are your responses Dave? If you can’t make a legitimate argument, you stoop to petty playground rhetoric?
    Dave, you credit Foley for “doing the honorable thing” after ABC News outted him? What choice did he have? Using that logic, we should forgive Cunningham and honor him as well? McGreevy too meets your litmus test of resigning.
    I condemn Clinton as well, but HE’S OUT OF OFFICE. I condemn Reid and Jefferson. You defend and honor a 50 year old man who hit on minors, initiating sex talk with them. I’m amazed that you can shamelessly defend such an individual, especially with your claimed Christian faith.
    Try to respond without mentioning Clinton and without the petty little boy name calling. Try to address the issue at hand – how can you claim Christian faith and defend Foley?

  40. bud

    Randy, Bill Clinton is the neo-con’s security blanket. Or, to be specific, the infamous blue dress is the neo-con’s security blanket.
    It can’t be stressed enough because it is so important to the future of this country this point: Since 1994, the Republican’s have gained control of all branches of government largely, if not mostly, because they have portrayed themselves as the party of high ethical standards. Many voters have intentionally voted against their own self interest because they felt the GOP was more honorable. The orgy of scandals over the past two years completely obliterates that claim. Once that is gone, we’re left with the issues. And the issues do not favor the Republicans.
    The Democrats have proven they are better at both economic and security (both foreign and domestic) issues. This election should be a landslide.

  41. Lee

    It’s impossible not to make the word associations:
    gangster : Al Capone
    boxer : Ali
    corrupt : Clinton
    wicked : Hillary

  42. bud

    With all the scandals, overseas chaos and environmental indifference it’s no wonder that the fortunes for the GOP are looking increasingly bleak. But there has been one bright spot that appears to provide hope for the Republican cause: the economy. So why does low unemployment and a soaring stock market resonate with the voters? This articles helps explain the problem.
    This article shows that most Americans are simply not doing all that great under the Republican controlled government.

  43. Lee

    President Bush has spent far more on alternative energy research than Clinton, Carter, and LBJ combined.
    In his first budget, Bush proposed increasing research in solar, wind, and fuel cell research by TEN TIMES that of Clinton’s last budget, yet it was blocked by the Democrats.

  44. Lee

    Mr. Gordy –
    What do you think of the FACT that President Bush has put so much more effort into alternative energy research than any Democrats?
    When he first took office, he held an Energy Summit, and invited all the major environmental groups. Most of them boycotted, then lied to the media and public that they had been excluded. The leftist press spread that lie successfully to a lot of gullible citizens who were too lazy to follow what was really happening.

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