Message from Baghdad


Sorry to have been neglecting you — busy schedule, nasty cold, living in the nonvirtual world and all that. Bloody nuisance.

Anyway, I’m going through my work e-mail from home (something I’ve just gained the ability to do), and I received this op-ed submission. I thought it would give y’all something to discuss until I post again. At the latest, that will be tomorrow’s column. It’s about the Confederate flag. A bit of a talker, that, so tune in.

Sorry about the faux British locutions; I’ve been rereading a LeCarre novel while nursing the cold. Can’t be helped, you see.

Here’s the cover note from the op-ed submission. Discuss away:

Dear Editor,
The spokesman for the Multi-National Force-Iraq, Maj. Gen.
William B. Caldwell, IV., would like to submit the below OPED for publication
in your paper.
I request response with an indication of your intent to use
this week’s piece and an indication of your interest in receiving OPEDs
in the future.

Very respectfully,
Douglas Powell
, U.S. Marine Corps
Public Affairs Officer
Multi National Force-Iraq, Baghdad

Go ahead and read it. It’s OK. It says right at the top that it’s declassified.

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