Andre’s still got it, whatever it is

The S.C. Senate proved yet again it can still make mincemeat of the most common-sense reforms as it basically rejected a fundamental element of government modernization — putting the elected chief executive in charge of the executive branch.

Here’s the AP story
on today’s foolishness, in case you possess the requisite energy to click on it.

I’ll go ahead and quote my favorite part (be sure to brace yourself so you don’t get whiplash between the second and third paragraphs):

    Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer showed up at Sanford’s news conference at the Statehouse, but wouldn’t publicly say whether he supported the changes. Bauer didn’t want his personal feelings to influence the debate he will preside over.
    "I think that could drastically influence" the vote, Bauer said.
    Bauer, who controls the debate in the Senate by recognizing speakers, said he wouldn’t hand the gavel to someone else during the discussions about his office.

Yes, that’s right. He won’t express his opinion, because it allegedly would have such weight in influencing the debate. But he won’t step aside from actually presiding over the debate.

Sure, he had that crash last year and all, but ol’ Andre hasn’t lost a bit of the hop on his patented screwball, which thus far has never failed to strike out any rational, ethical batter who dares to stand at the plate against him.

But the fans love it.

28 thoughts on “Andre’s still got it, whatever it is

  1. Brad Warthen

    “Go,” indeed — and at extremely high speeds.
    But, please explain: Go WHERE? Accomplish WHAT?
    There is no rhyme or reason to Andre and the support he enjoys. None whatsoever.

  2. Brad Warthen

    Oops. That was an early version of the story about how the Senate trashed reform — the version that AP files in case nothing more worthwhile happens. When something important DOES happen — such as the Senate standing in the way of effective government in South Carolina — there is no longer room for comments from the likes of the lieutenant governor.

    Anyway, here’s the real story.

  3. LexWolf

    You really should post your links as HTML links rather than Word documents, Brad! If nothing else, posting stuff linking to your Word documents on your server might allow some hackers to get to you (not that too many would know who you are but why take a chance?).
    Yanno, Brad, South Carolina is a great place to live if you can ignore the massive ignorance, idiocy and incumbency among its legislators. How these yokels mostly get reelected year after year is absolutely beyond me. Fortunately, at least Ken Clark got knocked off last goaround but there are so many more in most dire need of being retired to their front/back porches or wherever they’ll be unable to block progress. To let these nincompoops frustrate many of Sanford’s great ideas is almost criminal.
    How can anyone be against putting most state officers under the governor? After all, if education is screwed up they’ll blame him but hey – the SuperEd is elected and the Guv can’t touch him/her. Ditto for the comptroller, treasurer etc.
    Andre’s main appeal for many people is the fact that he constantly thumbs his nose at elitists like you and gets away with it again and again. Even when you thought you “had” him, he slipped through your clutching grasp again and again. That why it’s Go Andre!

  4. chrisw

    Your pettiness is incredible.
    Who would you have take the gavel? Glenn McConnell? The man that stands to gain the most by this? Or perhaps a senator that would like to be the Lt. Gov and have little or nothing to do except bask in the perceived glory of the position? Which one is disinterested? Please tell me Brad…who in that body does not have an interest?
    The effect of the law will be enacted till AFTER Andre’s term expires. Your pettiness against several officials like Andre seems to have no bounds.
    You spent the last 4 years telling the state that Andre’ had no power or influence, and you seem to relish the insult of calling him the “Governor Lite”…and no, all of a sudden…he is all powerful. I thought it was admirable that he kept his pledge and stayed out of the mix!!!
    Gees…Brad, take a break and try to gain some perspective.

  5. bud

    The latest mileage death rate figures just came out and South Carolina had the third worst rate in the nation for 2005. (The mileage death rate is a commonly used measure showing how many people die in traffic crashes based the number of vehicle miles of travel). Only Montana and South Dakota were more deadly and only by a very small amount. So the fact that we re-elected a man, Bauer, who flagrantly disregards the traffic safety laws he is supposed to be elected to enforce, should come as no surprise. We get would we deserve. Sadly, this includes more carnage on the highways.

  6. Ready to Hurl

    Funny, I thought that we elected a Lt. Governor to actually participate in governing.
    Obviously, Andre thinks that his “stay-out-of-jail card” was just compensation for running the Office on Aging.

  7. Chrisw

    Why don’t Andre’ opponents point to substantive issues of policy or job performance where Andre is lacking? It is always this driving stuff…and frankly, the voters have spoken! Such attacks are childish, and always obscure the drive for better government.
    Where were all you do-gooders last night when seemingly the entire general assembly was “out on the town”…enjoying the company of every lobbyist in town…laughing and drinking and plotting? The problem in state government is not with Andre’s driving…it is with the ability of special interest to seek their power and influence few that truly matter.
    Perhaps, if the State, Brad W. (and other do gooders ) could get off Andres case and perhaps take a few pictures of half drunk senators and their lobbyist friends…something positive might happen. But it is soooo much easier to hassle a man about speeding…especially since no one else in SC has ever speed before…
    The fact is that Andre’ does a great job as Lt. Gov…but some people just seem a bit jealous…

  8. Ready to Hurl

    ref: a great job?
    Andre refuses to even voice an opinion (while getting face time in the media conference) on restructuring the government– a major change to our governance.
    I guess that some folks might be “jealous” of Andre’s ability to dodge responsibility; hoodwink the voters; and successfully parlay a lilliputian intellect into a series of gubmint jobs.
    Others, just shake their head at the obvious folly of straight ticket voting putting an irresponsible, puerile playboy in any position of responsibility.
    The Lt. Governor’s responsibilities are so limited that they shouldn’t challenge even Andre’s limited abilities. Yet, he can’t even manage staying out trouble– or, apparently, forming an opinion on one of the major issues facing SC state government.

  9. chrisw

    Ad hominem attacks are a child’s fashion of attacking a thing which the child does not understand. Perhaps you can do better and harp on real things like a speeding ticket. That way we will understand that you are just petty, and not childish.
    Andre just went through two campaigns where he was outspent almost 3 to 1…not counting the State’s campaign against him. In both campaigns the speeding ticket was the primary focus of attacks against him and yet the voters elected him.
    They did so because he has behaved exceptionally well in his office (and I expect the voters think he has learned a valuable lesion about his private affairs). Both of his opponents decided that his professional behavior was exceptional, and there were no votes to be gotten by raising those issues.
    Simply repeating these old attacks may make you feel better about yourself, but they will not improve the level of debate or enhance the possibility of improving South Carolina.
    I would respectfully submitt that we need to advance the cause of better government…not mire ourselves in immature debates that have already been addressed by the voters.

  10. bud

    Andre Bauer is an irresponsible brat that has no business serving as the Lt. Governor of this state. His wonton, reckless disregard for the safety of himself and his fellow citizens is a very serious matter that has been dismissed far too lightly by his supporters. With over 1,000 people dying needlessly on our highways every year the least we should expect from our elected officials is a bit of respect for the law. We’re not talking about a simple speeding ticket, but rather an ongoing pattern of immature and reckless disregard for public safety. That so many people in this state voted for and contiune to defend such an immature and dangerous brat explains why we continue to rank so low on virtually all quality of life measures.

  11. chrisw

    Move on.
    The voters and most reasonable people have spoken on the issue. That you continue to harp on it speaks volumes about you.
    When you have serious and mature concerns about SC government and politics…let us know. Until then, insinuating the voters of SC are idiots does not engender much support for your arguments.

  12. bud

    Here’s a serious concern. South Carolina ranks as the third most deadly state in the country based on the number of people who die on the highways. We can address this issue by strengthening laws against DUI, by improving driver education and by improving our highway infrastructure. But first and foremost we must remove the most dangerous and reckless drivers from our highways. And one of those would be Andre. Hopefully he’s not still on the road.
    Since we’re stuck with Andre and that makes this task much tougher because his example of recklessness serves to dilute any safety initiatives. If Andre really wants to lead by example he can offer some legislation that will help us fight this ongoing safety effort. Unless he can adequately address his past misbehavior I cannot with a clear conscience support him as an officer of the state.

  13. Ready to Hurl

    chrisw, please name three achievements (aside from wining the Republican primary) that Andre has accomplished while in office.
    As far as I can tell, the duties of the Lt. Governor are:
    (1) remain breathing and conscious;
    (2) preside over the Senate; and
    (3) abide by the SC laws and regulations.
    Almost every SC citizen meets #1. My guesstimate is that there are at least 1,000 SC citizens who could fulfill #2. Of course, #3 is Andre’s downfall– especially if one includes ethical injunctions against using his office to enrich himself.
    I would suggest that the mere fact that SC voters elected Andre twice as a Governor-in-waiting is prima facie evidence that they’re idiots. The average quality of the rest of SC elected officials would seem to confirm this.
    Tom Paine

  14. chris w

    The major responsibilities include,
    1. Presiding over the senate is a challenging job that when done properly safeguards the interest of the citizens of SC. Both of his opponents and the voters seem to think he has done a fine job of that. Several black and democratic senators even agreed and endorsed his candidacy. I am sure that you experiences presiding over the “Sanctimonious and Holier than thou Group of Nobodies” from which u have undoubtedly sprang have been equally challenging, hence your harsh criticism.
    2. The Lt. Gov is in charge of the Division on Aging. Both of his challengers and the voters seemed to think he has been doing a fine job with that agency. I am sure that your administrative experience (received while in charge of a 50 person, 40 million dollar enterprise) has given you unique insights to errors that Mr. Campbell, Mr. Barber and a zillion voters missed.
    3. Running the office of Lt. Gov, which consist of constituent service, Senate business, and educational efforts. Again, his opponents and the voters seemed to think he was doing a fine job.
    The problem is that u are just another democrat, bent on destroying someone or something you can’t have. Well…u lost the election. You can continue to cry over this fact, and persist in trying to rally people around your little ruse…but to what point? Continued brow beating of a dead issue tends to help a politician as it deadens any criticisms of that politician. And most importantly…it does not further the debate of good government.
    Intelligent and mature people should strive for better government. You should consider joining the ranks.
    PS…It is clear you should have signed your last note …Arrogant, and should have left poor Mr. Paine out of your grimy little argument

  15. bud

    Chris w, the fact that SC ranks at the bottom of everything proves RTHs point. No state at the top of the rankings would have elected the likes of Andre. And until people make the connection between who we vote for and how our state performs we are certain to remain at the bottom.

  16. chrisw

    This is plain silly.
    What was I thinking when I began a conversation about something political. There is nothing “uplifting” left in politics anymore. Nothing…just tear away at everything till there is nothing left. Any fault or error or sin must be exploited to make the political point.
    I noticed neither of you seemed to have a problem with the Monday night liquor fest at several bars downtown…attended by many members of the general assembly and paid for by special interest. All those pretty young unmarried girls and those old married senators. No, that would not affect government…but sure as hell a two year old speeding ticket will!
    I apologize to Brad for my postings on the subject…they have been a bit edgy. But how can consensus be built, and cross party/cross interest coalitions be built is we dwell on the petty. The answer is…it can’t. But then again, nihilism seems to be the fad of the day.
    Sorry I bothered.

  17. bud

    Chrisw, I was unaware of the “Monday night liquor fest”. But if it is as you describe then that just proves my point. We elect a sorry bunch of officials and the result is a state that ranks near the bottom in everything. There must be a connection.

  18. Ready to Hurl

    chrisw, i’ve only got time for one quick question: Does Andre attend those “liquorfests” that you seem so familiar with?

  19. Minto Witherspoon McGill

    The irony of Andre Bauer being such a wuss about supporting Gov. Sanford is that he owes his political hide to Sanford. If Sanford had not creamed Tommy Moore, we’d be wondering about Lt. Gov. Barber’s position on restructuring. Andre narrowly won by clinging desparately to Sanford’s coattails, yet he continues to refuse to publicly or privately support any of Sanford’s proposals. Amazing.

  20. chrisw

    To my knowledge…no he does not go out much with those guys. He was not there Monday night…that I can say for sure.
    McGill…The Lt. Gov’s job is different than the Govs…Andre’s job is to preside over the senate. The less he says about issues the better. The point is that he should be fair…not partisan.
    Would u rather have a hack in that job, shilling for every idea that floats along?

  21. Ready to Hurl

    Hey, chrisw, yesterday both of SC’s senators voted with 26 other Republicans to abolish the Federal minimum wage– proof positive that most SC voters are idiots.
    Oh, that and voting overwhelmingly for the worst president in history after he misled us into a quagmire. As Fritz Hollings says, “There’s no education in the second kick of the mule.”

  22. Ready to Hurl

    1. Presiding over the senate is a challenging job that when done properly safeguards the interest of the citizens of SC.

    Really? What insidious threats to the “interests of the citizens” did he protect us from? It takes incredible gall to post this after Sen. Glen McConnell (R-Confederacy) hornswaggles millions for the Hunley through legislative sleight of hand.
    Or, was some fiend threatening to use Roberts Rules of Order as toilet paper?

    2. The Lt. Gov is in charge of the Division on Aging.

    You have to be joking. The Lt. Gov. is a figure head. Exactly WHAT decisions did Andre make about the functioning of the Division on Aging?
    Here’s what the OVERVIEW OF THE STATE UNIT ON AGING says

    The Lieutenant Governor of the State of South Carolina is the chief administrative
    officer of the SUA, and provides overall leadership for agency staff. This includes
    responsibilities for interpreting state and federal policies and ensuring the
    implementation of such policies and related procedures statewide.
    C. Director
    The Director of the SUA is responsible for the overall administration of SUA policies,
    coordination and review of legislation, both federal and state, broad advocacy activities, liaison with public and private agencies and organizations, representing the interests of the SUA to executive

    Please enlighten us as to how Andre interpreted “state and federal policies.” He’d probably rather have a root canal. It’s obvious that the director runs the agency.

    3. Running the office of Lt. Gov, which consist of constituent service, Senate business, and educational efforts. Again, his opponents and the voters seemed to think he was doing a fine job.

    So your “proof” that Andre is doing a great job as Lt. Gov. is that his political opponents didn’t seize on such “hot button issues” as the Lieutenant Governor’s Writing Awards Program for SC school kids?
    If you truly believe that “Intelligent and mature people should strive for better government” then I’m mystified at why you’re so invested in defending a Lt. Gov who is neither.
    Had Robert Barber actually campaigned on Andre’s record of wrecklessness, irresponsibility and ethical sleaze then he’d be Lt. Gov.
    I guess that Barber is just more of “gentleman” than I am.
    And, if you think that my disdain for Andre is just partisan sour grapes then I suggest that you haven’t talked to a lot Republicans.
    Upton Sinclair

  23. Tempe

    How many times must a man pay for his mistakes or have the past thrown in his face? I’ve sped before and he who is without speeding cast the first stone! Whether you go 5 miles over the speed limit or 50, it’s still breaking the law! EVERYONE has done it, but Andre’ is held to a much higher standard than you holier than thou folks. Get over it…Andre’ won re-election. He is loved and admired by MANY!! I would rather have him presiding over the senate than any other person in that room!

  24. Chrisw

    You gotta be kidding me!
    I am done with this thread. You win. Look for my obit in the paper, cuse u are killing me!

  25. Preston

    Chris, South Carolina is one place where it is ohhh sooo right to be politically wrong. Being in the minority of thought in the 2nd stupidest state in the US is a badge of honor.

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