Obama’s ‘Walk for Change’ in SC

Had lunch today with a couple of nice young men from the McCain campaign. I describe them that way because they called me "sir," which is something I guess I’m going to have to start getting used to from the puppies who work in campaigns these days.

Anyway, when I got back from meeting Adam Temple and B.J. Boling (both of them from Greenville, which may explain the politeness), I had a message from Kevin Griffis of the Obama campaign, with whom I met for lunch a couple of weeks ago (He had brought along Laurin Manning, at my insistence). As we get the Legislature out of the way in the coming days, I hope to make many more such contacts, and perhaps start getting some of the candidates into our offices for meetings.

Kevin wrote to bring my attention to three things: A Washington Times article contrasting Hillary Clinton’s big-bucks campaign with Obama’s more grass-roots approach, along with two videos. The first shows clips from across the country of the candidate’s "Walk for Change" on June 9.

The second shows Obama supporters doing the same in South Carolina.

He passed them to me, so I pass them to you.